HSS - Horse Show Management Software
HSS - Horse Show Management Software

HSS Update History.

Recent changes in each version of HSS software are listed below.  The most recent version is listed first.
Go to the Downloads page to download software updates.
Recent Changes
CollapseHSS Change History
HSS  June 10, 2024   Version: 3.2024.0609
Changes and Notes
Add/Scratch processing:
  • If you attempt to process an add/scratch request where the entry no longer exists OR the rider on the request is no longer a rider for the entry, an error message will be displayed and the add/scratch request will be automatically flagged as rejected at HSO.
Class results screen:
  • The warning popup when saving results if you do not selected any course designers for the class will no longer appear.
    The popup will only appear if there are no judges selected OR if any of the selected judges or course designers do not have a USEF number.
  • Two new special codes can be used in the R1 Faults, R2 Faults and R3 Faults columns
  • 91 = HC – Horse Concours
  • 90 = NS/DNS – Did not show
    The finish place will be reset to 0 (zero) if you use code 91 (HC) in any of R1, R2, R2 obstacle faults columns. HC entries cannot have a finish place or prize money.
    The finish place will be reset to 0 (zero) if you use code 90 (NS/DNS) in an of R1 obstacle faults columns. NS/DNS entries cannot have a finish place if they didn’t show in R1.
  • Code 91 in any of the 3 obstacle faults columns will translate to “HC” instead of a numeric finish place in Column N (Placing) column of USEF results
  • Code 90 in R1 Faults, will translate to NS instead of a numeric finish place in Column N (Placing) column of USEF results as well as column CJ ( First round), CK (2nd round), CN (3rd round) if code 90 is used in R2 Faults, and R3 Faults)
Credit Card Payment Screen:
  • A new field “Remark:” has been added.
  • For payment methods manually saved into a person’s account in HSS:
    • The “Remark:” field will display the date / time a saved payment method was created in HSS.
Dressage Tests:
  • Four new FEI 2022 and 2023 tests added.

Horse Editor - New breeds added:
  • Canadian Sport Horse
  • Czech Warmblood
  • Deutsches Sportpferd
  • German Sport Horse
  • Irish Sport Horse
  • La Silla Sport Horse
  • Latvian Warmblood
  • Norwegian Warmblood
  • Spanish Sport Horse
  • French Thoroughbred
Entry Editor:
  • Resolved problem where the online entry PDF didn't load sometimes when using "Update and Prompt"
  • “People” tab only lists people related to the entry in Owner, Rider, or Trainer roles. Prize payee and Stablewith Trainer are excluded.
  • The “Reset all fees to zero” button on the Fees tab will now invoke a popup letting you select which fees to reset to zero.
    • Only fees that currently have a quantity are listed for resetting.
    • Convenience fees default to UN-checked. All other fees default to Checked.
  • New "USEF Locked" checkbox flag added.
    An entry is highlighted in red in show manager when this flag is check marked.
  • "USEF Status" tab has new columns for USHJA Start, USHJA End, removed Background Check Expiry column
  • "USEF Status" tab highlights in red if the person's safe sport expiry date is earlier than the show's end date.
  • "USEF Status" now lists the “MicroChip Status” and will highlight it in red and prompt for “USEF Lock” if the status begins with the word “Ineligible”

USEF Validation checking:
  • Entry editor has a new popup when USEF information is retrieved for the entry. The USEF popup will happen when any of the following happens:
    • “Auto-load USEF …” is check-marked in Show Manager.
    • You select the “USEF Status” tab for the entry
    • You click the “Refresh USEF status” button on the Basic tab for the entry.
  • If the “USEF Locked” checkbox is already check marked in the entry the popup will NOT display since the checkbox is already set.
    Otherwise, the problems will be listed in the popup and you are prompted to set the “USEF Locked” checkbox.
  • If the “USEF Locked” checkbox is already check marked in the entry AND there are NO current issues for the entry at USEF the popup will be displayed prompting if you would like to UN-check the “USEF Locked” checkbox.

  • "Send SMS Text to show attendees" screen has new filters in the class selection drop down to filter class selections by scheduled date and ring.
  • Only people entered in the selected classes will be listed as potential recipients for the text message.
Online entry download:
  • Includes new Microchip Status column in USEF validation information
  • It will flag as red the value begins with “INELIGIBLE” and green if it is empty or begins with “ELIGIBLE”
  • It will also trigger “USEF Lock” when the entry is “Accepted”.

Online Entry Acceptance:
  • A new "USEF Locked" checkbox and a list of USEF errors is shown in the "Accept online entry" screen.
    • You can manually checkmark the "USEF Locked" checkmark if needed to flag the entry has missing or expired USEF information. USEF Locked entries are listed in red in show manager.
    • The "USEF Locked" checkbox will default to checked if any critical horse or person information is missing, expired, or invalid according to USEF, otherwise will default to un-checked.
  • The remark field is now multiline and allows up to 250 characters of text. New button to copy up to 250 characters from the USEF Lock errors list to the “Remark” field.

Payment Entry Screen:
  • New columns added "Acct. Locked", and "USEF Locked" display the "Account Locked" and "USEF Locked" flags for each entry.
  • Row will be highlighted in yellow for each entry that has the "Account Locked" flag checkmarked
  • Row will be highlighted in red for each entry that has the "USEF Locked" flag checkmarked. USEF Locked takes precedence over Account locked.
    If an entry has both USEF locked and Account locked flags checkmarked the row will be highlighted in red.

  • “Class results – compact” report updated to list new 90-99 codes (IE: HC, NS, etc)
  • “Grand prix jumper” report updated to list new 90-99 codes (IE: HC, NS, etc)
  • “Class Sheets – FEI” and “Class Sheets – FEI –By Rider” use black instead of grey grid lines.
  • "Judges Cards - Jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper (landscape)" now print the judge signature area on each page
  • "Judges Cards - Jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper (landscape)" now support classes with up to 200 entries.
  • "Payee W9 analysis - entries with prize money" report:
    • New column "WithHold" lists the number of entries that for the payee that have been flagged with "Withhold prize money".
    • Each entry may have a suffix "[ ]" indicating special conditions. * = account locked, $ = Withhold prize money
    • Example: 123[$*] indicates entry 123 is flagged with Withhold prize money AND account is locked
  • New report "Payee W9 analysis - entries with prize money withheld" added to the Financial folder.
    This report is identical to "Payee W9 analysis - entries with prize money" but only lists payees that have one or more entries that have won prize money AND are flagged with "Withhold prize money".
  • New report "Prize Money Withheld By Entry" added to the Financial folder.
  • This report list all entries in the show that have the "Withhold prize money" flag checkmarked.
  • The report lists the entry number, entry name, total prize money (including addback money) awarded to the entry, and the prize payee name, contact information, and last 4 digits of their SSN.
  • "Trainer Add/Scratch" report now displays a message on the report if the USEF Locked flag is checkmarked in the entry record.
  • "Trainer Check-in" report now includes the signature status (Signed or missing) for each entry for the owner, rider, trainer related to each entry.
    A checkmark or a warning icon will indicate if all signatures for Owner, Riders, Trainer have been received.
  • "Winnings and Prizes by Division" report updated to resolve paper size issue on certain PCs that have unusual printer drivers.

Show Manager:
  • New checkbox filter added "USEF Locked only". Filters the list of entries to only those that have the "USEF Locked" flag check marked.
  • Signature related counts (People, Sigs Waiting etc) only apply to people that are an Owner, Rider, or Trainer. Prize payee and Stablewith Trainer are excluded.

Signature Tool:
  • New "People" tab lists entry signatures grouped by Person.
    • This allows sending signature requests for ALL unsigned entries to the person all at once.
    • Filters let you only list people / entries that have not been signed, and to only list people / entries you haven't already sent a request within the last specified number of hours (default is 8 hours)
  • A person's roles on an entry are now listed.

  • HSS and show manager will now only list signatures for people in roles Owner, Rider, and Trainer.

USEF Safe Sport MAAPP bulk email tool (NEW):
  • New toolSend USEF MAAPP email to exhibitors” has been added to the “USEF/USHJA” menu in HSS.
  • Use this tool send the required USEF MAAPP notification email containing the USEF Safe Sport information to all people in the show.
  • USEF requires you to send the USEF MAAPP notification to all exhibitors in the show within 30 days of the show date.
  • You can safely resend to people in the show – HSO will ignore sending to the same person / email address if you have already sent the notification.
  • HSO will only send ONE notification to the same person/email address. If there are multiple people with different names at the same email address an email will be sent to each individual at that address.
  • The email is sent via a mailing list and includes an “Unsubscribe” button / link in the email. If someone “Unsubscribes” they will be excluded from the HSO-USEF-MAAPP mailing list and will never receive the MAAPP email (or anything else distributed on that list) in the future from any show at HSO.
USEF Results Export:
  • R1, R2, R3 faults are now the total of obstacle faults plus time faults.

USEF Competition Status Analyzer:
  • The Horses grid will no longer set the background colour to red if the horse has a USEF status of "Annual"
  • The People grid will no longer set the background colour to red if the person's USEF Member Type is "ACTIVE(EC)"
  • New column added “USEF Locked” displays the status of the USEF Locked flag for each entry
  • Entry List popup (Available by clicking the “Open entry list” button in any list on “Entries”, “People”, “Horses” tab in the analyzer has new column added “USEF Locked” displays the status of the USEF Locked flag for each entry listed

USEF Section Code Update:
  • Duplicate section codes provided by the USEF API are removed (that's a USEF bug).
  • Additional USHJA section codes are also added / updated.
    The list of USHJA section codes is maintained by Timeslice. USHJA section codes will be ignored in results reported to USEF but are useful to USHJA when sending the USEF Results file to USHJA.

USEF Validation - Horse measurement:
  • Improved reliability of horse measurement information provided by USEF to better address abnormally formatted measurements from USEF.

USEF Validation - People:
  • New USEF Member Type "ACTIVE(EC)" is now considered OK.

HSS  February 24, 2024   Version: 3.2024.0224
Changes and Notes
Close multiple classes:
  • Closing multiple classes will suppress the USEF judges missing popup when it is a USEF show AND classes being closed do not have any USEF judges assigned or judges are missing a USEF number.
  • Resolved problem where closing multiple classes reset the judge and course designer selections.
USEF Export:
  • Classes with zero entries will be excluded from the list of classes missing judges popup warning.

  • Class sheets will print the "Breeder" if the horse's breeder field is not blank.
HSS  February 18, 2024   Version: 3.2024.0219
Changes and Notes
Results Entry (Class results):
  • Clicking the "Reset all" button will reset the Time faults for R1, R2, R3 to zero.
  • New report: "Score Sheet Hunter - Non FEI (GoOrder)", same as "Score Sheet Hunter - Non FEI", but entries are listed by Go Order instead of Entry No.
  • New report: "Score Sheet Jumper - Non FEI (GoOrder)", same as "Score Sheet Jumper - Non FEI", but entries are listed by Go Order instead of Entry No.
HSS  February 16, 2024   Version: 3.2024.0216
Changes and Notes
Open Show Dialogue:
Fixed error message when closing the "Open show" dialogue without selecting a show.

Class Results:
Time faults for R1, R2, R3 now supported in "Results entry" screen.

Person Editor:
Added "EC Equine Canada" to USEF suffix drop down.
HSS  February 07, 2024   Version: 3.2024.0207
Changes and Notes

Copy Entries tool:
  • When copying entries from a prior show, there is a new option (checkbox for each entry) to copy existing signatures to the new entry from the source entry.

HSO Status Panel:
  • If the show has not been published within the last 30 minutes, the "Last published..." text in the status panel will be RED.
  • When the show is active, (IE: Current date is within the show start / end date), the "Last published" message will display the number of minutes since last published instead of the date/time last published.
  • The "Last publish" date/time displayed in the status panel is now expressed in local time based on the time zone of your computer rather than Eastern Time.

Horse editor:
  • New field "Breeder" added to horse records to record the name of the breeder.

Entry editor:
  • Fixed problem where "Create new owner as payee" created the owner record but displayed an error preventing the new owner from getting applied as the payee for the entry.

Mobile Payment - send invoices:
  • A new checkmark column added "Has Open Check" to the "Send invoices for mobile payment" screen.
    If an entry has the "Has open check" check marked in the entry record, this column will be pink and check marked.
  • A new filter added "Exclude if has open check" to exclude entries that have the "Has Open Check" check marked in the entry record.
    This lets you exclude entries where you are probably going to pay using an open check that was provided for payment.

Scoreboard import:
  • "Pyramid Timing - Web" scoreboard import updated to incorporate Time Faults for jumper results. Updated to use new Pyramid web API update of Jan 2024
  • "Ryegate - Web" scoreboard import updated to incorporate Time Faults for jumper results. Updated to use new Ryegate web API update of Jan 2024
  • Scoreboard import screen now allows editing of Time Faults for R1, R2, R3

Signature requests:
  • HSS will now record a journal item for each signature request you send from the signature tool.
  • The journal entry category will be "SIGREQ" and list the email address, phone number, and person name the request was sent to.
  • Fixed problem where SMS send screens displayed an error about SMS settings incomplete when SMS provider is set to HSO and there was no prior Twilio account for the show.
  • "Class sheets" and "Class sheets - compact" no longer highlight entries that have the "Account locked" flag set.
  • "Class results" report now includes Breeder, Sire, Dam if those fields are populated in a horse record.
HSS  January 16, 2024   Version: 3.2024.0116
Changes and Notes
Fixes in this update:
  • Fixed problem in show manager where Signed Count was incorrect on some entries.
  • Fixed problem in Signature tool with highlighting of SignedCount column
  • Fixed problem where TimeFaults was null instead of defaulting to zero.
  • Fixed problem where signatures would not import under certain conditions and left them stuck at HSO.
  • Fixed minor problem where USEF validation screen displayed the wrong class entry count under certain conditions.
  • Fixed problem where Show Manager would list -1 for Sigs Waiting count when there were more signatures received that Owner, Rider, Trainer on the entry

Important USEF changes:

USEF has changed their results export - you must use the new version to submit results to comply with USEF. regulations

USEF has released an entirely new set of USEF Liability Release waivers, one for each state. 
HSS will choose the waiver that corresponds to the state your show is located in.

USEF requires all people on all entries provide their own signature (or parent/guardian signature)

Signatures are applied to:

  • The Entry Agreement as defined in your show properties (this should be the standard USEF agreement)
  • The state specific USEF Liability release waiver.

How signatures are collected and processed:

HorseShowsOnline has a new "Signatures step" in the online entry wizard.
HSO is already collecting signatures if you have a USEF show taking entries at this time.

During online entry, the signature step provides the person submitting the entry with the ability to sign for themself AND will send a signature request notification via Email and Text message to all other people associated with the entry they are submitting..
(Text message notifications require you have a valid Twilio SMS account OR have subscribed to the HSO SMS service).

  • HSS will download new signatures that people submit during the online entry processing screen and connect the signatures received with your entries.
  • There is a new button in the HSO status panel (enable the status panel in show properties). 
    The button will indicate if there are new signatures ready for download.
  • Show manager has new columns indicating if all signatures have been received for an entry.
  • You should NOT allow an exhibitor to compete unless you hae received ALL signatures for the entry.
  • HSS has a new "Signature Tool" (see below for details) to let you send signature requests, review signature status for entries, and to print USEF Liability waivers for people using their submitted signature information.
    You may need to send a signature request if:
    • The person didn't receive the origional request due to a bad email address
    • They need it sent to their parent / guardian.
    • If you have a manual entry OR added someone to an entry.

HSS changes in this version:

Class results screen:
  • New fault codes can be specified for R1, R2, R2 faults
    Special fault values: 99=Eliminated, 98=Retired, 97=Withdrawn, 96=Rider fall, 95=Horse fall, 94=Off course, 93=Excused, 92=Disqualified
  • A double warning is prompted if you attempt to cancel a class.
    This is to ensure you really intend to cancel the class.
  • You can now select judges and change the position of judges directly in the class results screen.
    Do this on the "Class, Prize, Judges" tab in class results editor
  • The class results screen has a list for "Course Designers".
    USEF requires (or at least requests) that you specify up to two course designers for the class which will be included in class results reporting to USEF.
  • New columns added for "Time Faults", R1, R2, and R3 added per FEI requirements.
  • All fault columns now list whole integer values only instead of formatting to 3 decimal places to ease the visual burden.
  • A warning popup will be displayed if the show is a USEF show (based on the "Governing Org" setting in the show properties) AND there are no judges set for the class, OR one or more of the selected judges has no USEF number.
    USEF results require judges AND their USEF number.
    Judges and Officials and their related USEF number for the show can be edited on the "Judges and Officials" tab of the show properties page.

Class Editor:
  • The "Judges and Officials" tab has a new list to select the officials designated as "Course Designers" for the class.
  • USEF only allows a maximum of two course designers.
    Judges and Officials and their related USEF number for the show can be edited on the "Judges and Officials" tab of the show properties page.

    TIP: For a FAST way to set judges and course designers for multiple classes, use the new "Class judges tool" and the "Course designers tool" from the main HSS "Data" menu.

Class judges tool:
  • A new "Class Judges" tool on the "Data" menu lets you select which judges to assign to one or more classes you select.
    The tool lets you pick classes by date and ring, and checkboxes for the judge and class selection.
    Judges for the show are set in the show properties screen on the "Judges and Officials" tab.

    For USEF shows, it is important that every judge has a valid USEF number in their record.
    USEF allows a maximum of seven judges per class.
    USEF requires you to provide judge information for each class.

Class course designers tool:
  • A new "Class course designers" tool on the "Data" menu lets you select which officials to assign as course designers to one or more classes you select.
    The tool lets you pick classes by date and ring, and checkboxes for each class to apply the changes to.
    Officials for the show are set in the show properties screen on the "Judges and Officials" tab.

    For USEF shows, it is important that each official has a valid USEF number in their record.
    USEF allows a maximum of two course designers per class.
    USEF expects (IE: it is mandatory) to set course designer(s) for each class.

Dressage tests added:
  • USDF 2023 Freestyles training through fourth level tests added.

Email Tool:
  • When selecting "All shows", only people that are actually referenced in a Non-Dormant show will be selected instead of everyone in the database.

Entry Editor:
  • When adding classes on the Classes tab in entry editor you can now use the "Enter" key OR the "+" key to add a class after inputting the class number.
  • NEW: The "Online Entry PDF" tab allows you to view the originally submitted entry form OR the entry form based on the current information for the entry including the latest signatures.

  • NEW: Entry Editor "People" tab and Signatures:
    • Entry editor has a new tab “People”. This is the list of all people related to the entry and their signature status.
    • The tab will be Pink if any person is missing a signature or Green if all people have provided a signature.
    • The “Signature tool" button opens the Signature Tool where you can send / resend a signature request AND print the USEF liability waiver for a person.

FEI Results Export:
  • FEI Excel export updated to FEI version Jumping Results 1.0.14_0 which includes segregated Obstacle and Time faults reporting and the sum of both to arrive at total points (faults).

Online Add/Scratch:
  • When accepting an online add/scratch request you can now set or clear the "Account locked" checkbox and you can review / edit the entry remark.

Owners Grid:
  • New column "USHJA No" added

People Editor:
  • USEF status drop down changes:
    • Removed JAS (Joined at show), F (Foreign), EC (Equine Canada).
    • Added OPP (Opportunity)

  • New USHJA status drop down added with the following codes:
    • EC=Equine Canada,
    • EX=Exempt,
    • F=Foreign,
    • JAS=Joined at show,
    • OPP=Opportunity,
    • SP=Show pass
  • "1099 Income forms" alignment adjusted vertically to match 2023 forms.
  • "Class Sheets Compact", "Class sheets" display a padlock icon and highlight the entry number and horse name if the show Entry has the "Account Locked" flag check-marked.
  • "Dressage Class Rider Labels" adjusted to handle long dressage class names that wrap.
  • NEW - "Dressage Class Rider Labels - 2x4" added. Same as "Dressage Class Rider Labels" but formatted for 2" x 4" 10 per sheet labels.
  • "Judges cards - Open Breed Format" now includes the names of each judge assigned to the class.
  • "Judges cards - Open breed format - blank" includes a space for Judge's signature and Judge's USEF number
  • "Judges cards - non jumper - blank" includes a space for Judge's signature and Judge's USEF number
  • "Prize List" - includes subtotals and grand total of prize money offered in each class type, division type, and an overall grand total.
  • "Ring schedule - compact" no longer suppresses the entry count if there are zero entries in the class.
  • "Trainer Check-in" paper size definition changed to standard 8-1/2 x 11 to resolve problem on some printers.
  • "Score Sheet Hunter - Non FEI" and "Score Sheet Jumper - Non FEI" will now populate the "Round 1" column with any non-zero value that is currently recorded in the "Score" column in class results.
    This is useful for multi-round classes where you want to record the score at the end of a round and then reprint the score sheets listing the current score for each entry.

  • NEW - "Signatures by entry" in the "Show / Entries" reports folder:
  • This report lists the status of signatures used on entry agreements and waivers for each entry.
  • Options are provided to include/exclude person details for each entry, and to limit the report to only unsigned entries, only signed entries, or all entries.
  • The report provides details on each signature including the the name of the person signing, their text signature, the date/time the signature was submitted, the IP address it was submitted from, and the browser identity it was submitted using.
  • "Winnings by Payee - all shows" in the "Global" reports folder now includes the payee email address and phone number.

Riders Grid:
  • New column "USHJA No" added
Show Manager:

New columns added to "Entries"  that list:the following Signature status information for each entry:

  • Sigs OK - Checkbox indicating if all signatures have been received.
    This cell will be green if all signatrues received, or pink if you are still waiting for signatures for 1 or more people on the entry.
  • Sigs Waiting - the number of signatures you are waiting on for the entry
  • Signed Count - the number of signatures you have received
  • People count - the number of unique people related to the entry

Show Properties - Judges and Officials:
  • The "Judges" list is now named "Judges and Officials".
    Especially for USEF shows, this is the list of judges and other officials that can be selected for Judges or Course designers in each class.

  • A new field has been added "USEFno" to each judge / official you define.
    Record the Judge's USEF number if the show is a USEF show.
    Every judge's USEF number is required for results reporting to USEF.

Show Properties - Governing Organization:
  • USEF has dropped their problem ridden "new" api that required a "software key".
    The Software key field has been removed from the USEF section on the Governing Orgs tab.
Show Properties - Options:
  • NEW Checkbox option added to Show Properties / Options tab, "Send signature requests by SMS". When checkmarked, and assuming the show has SMS text messaging enabled, HSO will send signature requests by SMS text message as well as email. If unchecked, signature requests will be sent by email only.

Show Properties - Online entry settings:

  • A new checkbox "Require signatures" has been added on the "Basic" tab of online entry settings.
    When this checkbox is checked, HSO will enforce collection of signatures during the online entry wizard.
    For USEF shows, signatures are always required and this setting has no effect.
Show Properties - SMS settings:

  • A new SMS messaging setting "SMS Provider" in HSS show properties lets you choose Twilio OR HSO.
  • We recommend you use "HSO" as the provider.
    • You will need to purchase an SMS annual subscription at HorseShowsOnline to use HSO as your text provider.
    • Per-text message sent / received will be billed to your show account after the show is complete.
    • You can continue to use your own Twilio account, assuming you have been able to properly register a 10DLC campaign, brand etc.
Show Registration Wizard - SMS subscription:

When registering your show, there is a new "SMS subscription " step.
If you purchased an HSO SMS subscription make sure you select  your subscription.

Signature Tool:
  • New "Signature Tool" item on the main HSS "Data" menu.
  • The Signature Tool lets you:
    • Review signatures received for all entries
    • Send / resend a request for signature from people on each entry.
    • Print the USEF liability release waiver form including the signature information for a person that has provided their signature.

  • You can also launch the Signature Tool by:
    • Right clicking any entry in Show Manager to review the signatures for a single entry.
    • Clicking the "Signature Tool" button on the "People" tab in Entry Editor.

Trainers Grid:
  • New column "USHJA No" added

USEF Agreement in online entry settings:
  • The latest USEF entry form agreement has been integrated into the "Entry Agreement" page in show properties / online entry settings.

USEF Results export:
  • Results export updated to 2024 USEF format, which adds 16 new columns of information including Horse fall and Rider fall.
  • There are new special fault codes in the class results screen to indicate horse or rider fall which USEF requires you to report: 96=Rider fall, 95=Horse fall
  • USEF requires you to provide couse designers for each class. The export includes up to 2 course designers for each class.
  • USEF requires judge and other officials USEF numbers to be reported.
     HSS will warn you if you are exporting results and there are either no judges / course designers, or some judges / course designers do not have a USEF number listed in the show properties.
  • Configure Judges and officials on the "Judges and Officials" tab in the show properties screen.
    Each judge / official has a USEF number field. Make sure you are using a VALID USEF number for each official.

  • HSS will warn you if you try and export results to USEF and one or more classes do not have any judges assigned OR any of the assigned judges do not have a USEF number.
  • Judges for a class are defined in Class editor for each class
    OR you can select the judges for a class in the Class results screen on the "Class, Prize, Judges settings" tab
    OR you can use the Class Judges tool on the main HSS "Data" menu to assign judges to multiple classes all at once.

View and Print Online entries:
  • Updated to includes signatures on the entry form.
  • TIP: use the "View Current" selection in the screen to ensure the signatures are based on the latest information and signatures for the entry which are unlikely to be included on the entry form when it was submitted since those signatures need to be collected from exhibitors after the entry was submitted.
  • The entry form will highlight in pink in the sigatre area of the entry blank where a signature is missing for a person.

NEW SMS Text Messaging using HSO

Changes in the SMS industry - how it affects you:

Recent changes in the SMS industry and the primary US cell carriers have imposed new regulations in an effort to cut down on spam texts. (IE:10DLC brand, campaign registration, and related opt-in/out rules and requirements) .

Option 1: Use your own Twilio SMS account:

Many show managers have previously used their own Twilio account to send text messages to exhibitors from HSS.
Prior to the new regulations this was a relatively simple and inexpensive solution that integrated easily into HSS to allow you to send text messages.
You can continue to use Twilio to send text messages from HSS.

Understand the following issues:

  • The new 10DLC regulations require time consuming and difficult setup procedures and technical challenges beyond what many show managers are willing to undertake.
  • The new regulations are universal - it is not Twilio Specific. 
  • ALL A2P (Application to Person)  text messaging systems in North America must comply or they will not be able to deliver text messages
  • If you currently have a Twilio SMS account, you must make sure you have properly registered your brand, campaign and have been approved for 10DLC messaging.
  • Without 10DLC approval the cell carriers will filter / block any texts you send.
  • Contact Twilio if you need assistance with 10DLC compliance.

Option 2 - NEW - Use HSO to send your text messages.

In light of the new SMS regulations, HorseShowsOnline has created an alternative service you can use - Send your SMS messages via HorseShowsOnline.

To use HSO for text messaging services you need the following:

  • An annual SMS subscription on your account - contact sales for pricing.
  • A signed SMS agreement with TimeSlice Technologies Corporation / HorseShowsOnline.
  • We will provide a local phone number that is exclusive to your account and if possible within an area code of your preference.

Benefits of text messaging through HSO:

  • No setup headaches or technical hurdles.  No 10DLC registration required.
  • You can send messages AND receive text message.
    if people reply or send messages to your text number you will receive the messages in HSS.

SMS Messaging setup:
New SMS messaging features have been provided to make it easy for you to let HorseShowsOnline handle all the SMS text messaging rather than having to setup Twilio account independently.

To use HSO as your SMS provider, you need an "SMS" subscription at HorseShowsOnline.com.  Contact sales for assistance with SMS subscriptions.

Once your SMS annual subscription is purchased we will assign a text number that is unique to your subscription.
When registering your show:
  1. Choose your SMS subscription during the registration wizard process.
  2. Set the "SMS provider” to "HSO" on the "SMS Messaging" tab in the show properties screen.
  3. Publish your show.
Any text messages you send will be delivered and will originate from the phone number that was assigned to your subscription.
Using HSO as your SMS provider also allows receiving text messages as well as sending

Received text messages:
HSS has a new button "SMS received" in the HSO Status panel (Enable the HSO status panel in show properties / options).
  • The "SMS received" button displays the count of new text messages that have been sent to your number.
  • Clicking the button will launch the "Received SMS Text Messages" screen.
  • A new menu item "View SMS messages received" has been added to the "Messaging" main menu which also launches the "Received SMS Text Messages" screen.

The "View SMS received" screen downloads new messages and displays all text messages you have received.
  • If someone sends a text with attachments (EG: Pictures), you can open the picture(s) using the attachment links listed with the text message.
  • You can reply to a text that has been sent by selecting the text from the list of received texts, enter your reply and click the "Send..." button.
HSS  April 26, 2023   Version: 3.2023.0424
Changes and Notes
Class editor:
  • Added new class types: "ENGLISH", "HUNTER-UNRATED", "RANCH"
Class Verification:
  • The class verification log file now includes the computer name where the verification was done.
Class Results:
  • The "Class and Prize Groups" tab now lists the class entry fee (Read only) for the class.
Close multiple classes:
  • Any popup warnings when closing multiple classes will now include the class number and class description.
  • The warning that an entry's placing exceeds the number of entries is suppressed when closing multiple classes.
Division Champ Chart Tool:
  • The entry count (excluding scratches) is now listed in the class selection list
Division Editor:
  • A new billing mode added: "Always charge class fees, Never charge division fees"
    • With this mode, HSS will always charge the class entry fees for classes within the division and NEVER charge an amount for the division entry fee for the division.
    • If an amount is specified in the "Division entry fee" field it will be ignored.
  • Added new division types: "ENGLISH", "HUNTER-UNRATED", "RANCH"
Entry Editor:
  • The entry journal will now list entry number changes on the "Journal" tab.
    • You must enable the "Journal" checkbox in the show's settings if you want to keep track of changes to entry records in the journal.
  • A new checkbox "W9 on record" added to the prize payee section.
    • Use this checkbox to indicate if you have a W9 tax form on file for the payee.
    • If the prize payee is linked to an owner record, the checkbox will reflect what is on file in the linked owner's record.
    • For online entries that are imported where the payee is flagged as a "manual entry", the checkbox will reflect the "W9 on record" flag of the person (owner, rider, trainer) that is on file at the time the online entry was accepted.
Split and transfer fees - Undo feature added:
  • You can now Undo a fee split that was previously applied.
    • Undoing a split will reverse all fee transfers for all entries the split was applied to by posting reversing fee amounts back to the original source entry the amount was transferred from and corresponding fee reversal amounts to each entry that the transfer orignally transferred the amounts to.
    • A fee split Undo can only be done once for a fee split.
    • To view and/or undo fee splits, open the entry, select the "Fees" tab, and click the "View Fee Split and Transfer History" button.
  • To split and transfer fee amounts to other entries, right click on the entry you want to transfer balances from in Show Manager and select "Split balance and transfer to other entries".
Horses grid:
  • USHJA number column added
Horse breeds:
  • New breed "PERPAS - Peruvian Paso" added
Horse editor:
  • Standard association number fields added, identical to the Person edit screen.
  • New association number fields added to allow a horse to have up to 3 local association / association numbers.
HSS Main screen:
  • A new "HSO status" status bar has been added to the bottom status bar area of the main HSS screen.
    • This "HSO Status" bar displays the following information for the current show:
      • Count of Online entries that have not been processed yet (Submitted, but not yet downloaded to the show).
      • Count of Add/Scratch requests that have been submitted but not processed yet.
      • Count of Online invoice payments that have been paid by exhibitors through online checkout, but not yet downloaded to your database.
      • The date you last published the show to HSO.
    • Clicking the available buttons in the status bar will open the appropriate screen to let you process the online entries, add/scratch requests, or online payments.
  • You must checkmark the "Enable HSO real-time status panel" in the show's options in show editor to enable HSO status checking for the show.
    • The HSO status panel will not be displayed if the show has not been published, the show ended more than 30 days ago, the show has not been registered, or you have not enabled HSO real-time status panel in the show's option settings.
    • The status bar will update automatically on a periodic basis, typically every 5 minutes.
    • You can manually update the HSO status by clicking the "HSO Status" button in the status bar.
HSS Main menu - Update associations:
  • A new item on the main File menu added "Update associations".
    • This is used to add any new horse show associations that have been defined at HorseShowsOnline.
    • This is not normally something that you need to do unless instructed by the support staff at Timeslice / HorseShowsOnline.
Online entry settings:
  • USHJA Number added to the list of required association numbers settings for Horse, Owner, Rider, Trainer.
Online entry acceptance:
  • Horse TIP Number is now imported if provided with the online entry AND if the local horse record's TIP number is blank.
  • The search all people button now works even when the only option is "Create new person".
Payments Entry Screen:
  • New column "Open Chk" indicates if the entry has the "Has open check" flag set in the entry record.
Person Editor Screen:
  • New checkbox field added "W9 on record". Use this checkbox to indicate if you have a W9 tax form on file for this person.
  • New association number fields added to allow a person to have up to 3 local association / association numbers.
Prize Groups:
  • New columns "Class Refs", and "Division Refs" display the number of classes and divisions that are referencing each prize group.
  • A new button "Delete Selected" has been added to the "Prizes" screen to let you delete a prize group.
    • HSS will only let you delete a prize group if it is NOT referenced by any classes or divisions.

  • New report "Global / Trainer contact information - all shows" added.
    This report lists trainer addresses, phone, and email for trainers associated with all entries in all shows in the database.
  • New report "Show / Financial / Payee W9 Analysis - all entries" added.
    This report lists payees for all entries grouped by whether or not the prize payee has the "W9 on record" checkbox checked.
  • New report "Show / Financial / Payee W9 Analysis - entries with prize money" added.
    This report lists payees for entries that have won prize or addback money grouped by whether or not the prize payee has the "W9 on record" checkbox checked.
  • "Class sheets by Entry - USDA" now has a page break between each class.
  • "Class results" includes Addback prize money and total of Prize + Addback
  • "Class results - Fast print" available from the class results screen, includes Addback prize money and total of Prize + Addback.
  • "Stalls by trainer" and "Stalls by Stable with trainer" reports now include a column for the rider(s) related to the entry.

Show Editor:
  • The "Local Association" field is now a drop down listing known local horse show associations.
    • Choose your local association (if applicable) from the drop down list. This informs HSS about any special characteristics for your show and how horse and people records may use the Association Numbers included with online entries.
Show Manager:
  • The Classes tab now lists the class entry fee for each class.
  • The Classes tab now lists the number of Placings recorded for each class. The value is highlighted in yellow if any placings are listed.
  • New filter added in show manager / Entries tab "Withhold prize money only".  This will filter the list of entries to only those that have the "Withhold prize money" flag checked in their entry record.
  • New filter added in show manager / Entries tab "Barn accounts only".  This will filter the list of entries to only those that have the "Barn account" flag checked in their entry record.
  • New report on popup menu: "Trainer Entry Schedule". 
    • This report lists the entry schedule for all entries related to the trainer. The report lists each ring / date, and the classes, entries, rider and the start position (jump order / order of go) for each entry.

Scoreboard Export:
  • A new field "Main file name" in scoreboard export lets you provide a name for the scoreboard export file for single file (CSV and TXT) export files.
    • The default main file name is "HSSscoreboardExport"
    • Scoreboard export files are always prefixed with "[SBexport yyyy-mm-dd ttttt]" to identify the files as scoreboard export files and the date/time of export.
SQL Queries screen:
  • The sql query screen now displays the current Show ID value and the show name.

USEF Bulk Validation:
  • A new column "Entry Class Count" lists the total number of classes entered for all entries the person or horse is entered in.
  • The column has a filter "Funnel" in the column header to allow you to filter the list.
  • For example you may want to only list people or horses where the entry(ies) the person is related to is entered in 1 or more classes.
  • Horses tab in bulk validation now lets you select fields you want to apply USEF information to for each selected record.
USEF Non-member fee analyzer:
  • The USEF non-member fee analyzer has a new column “Class Count”.
    • “Class Count” is the number of classes (non-scratched) the entry is entered in.
    • The column has a filter funnel to let you filter out entries that are not entered in any classes.
USEF Horse Lookup:
  • USEF lookup has a new "Search date" field. This allows you to change the date of the search at USEF.
    • When a USEF search is done, the show's start date is the default date that USEF will use to determine the horse's USEF status.
    • If a horse is not listed, you can try changing the search date to see if the horse has been registered at USEF at a later date.
USHJA Horse Lookup:
  • USHJA lookup has a new "Search date" field. This allows you to change the date of the search at USHJA.
    • When a USHJA search is done, the show's start date is the default date that USHJA will use to determine the horse's USHJA status.
    • If a horse is not listed, you can try changing the search date to see if the horse has been registered at USHJA at a later date.
  • A minor bug was fixed in the USHJA lookup where you previously needed to click the "Search" button in the lookup screen.

HSS  February 10, 2023   Version: 3.2023.0208
Changes and Notes
Class Editor:
  • New class type added "VERSATILITY"

Class results screen:
  • For Dressage classes:
    A new item on the Dressage menu "Set placing based on percentage".
    Similar to the "Set placings by score", this menu item will clear all current placings and then set the placing base on the Percentage.
    Typically you will use the button for each entry in the "Score" column to enter the judge's movement / collective marks which will compute the score and percentage for the test.
    When all entries have been scored you can use one of the "Set placing..." options on the dressage menu to update the "Finish Place" for entries.
  • New standardized HSS scoreboard import from CSV file format added to scoreboard import screen.
    This is the recommended format for CSV files that all scoreboards should export to if possible.
    Scoreboard import format is in CSV (comma separated value) text format.
    There is no header row.
    Each row (line) represents one entry in the results

Field order:
Place, EntryNo, R1Faults, R1Time, R2Faults, R2Time, R3Faults, R3Time

For R1Faults, R2Faults, R3Faults the following codes are recognized for an entry that did not finish:
WD = Withdrawn
ELIM = Eliminated
RET = Retired

Place - Finish placing (Integer). Specify 0 if no placing
EntryNo - Entry number (Back number)
R1Faults - Round 1, Number of faults (decimal) OR one of the above special codes WD,ELIM,RET
R1Time - Round 1, Time in seconds (decimal)
R2Faults - Round 2, Number of faults (decimal) OR one of the above special codes WD,ELIM,RET
R2Time - Round 2, Time in seconds (decimal)
R3Faults - Round 3, Number of faults (decimal) OR one of the above special codes WD,ELIM,RET
R3Time - Round 3, Time in seconds (decimal)

Division Editor:
  • New division type added "VERSATILITY"

Horse editor:
  • New checkbox added "Gaited" beside the horse breed dropdown to indicate if this horse/breed should be considered as Gaited. Primarily this is used for dressage reports
  • New breeds added: "HSB - Half Saddlebred", "RH - Racking Horse"

Entry Editor:
  • The USEF status tab for an entry now includes a new column "Membership Type" for people.
  • When a show pass is valid for a person the Membership Type column will display "Show Pass Valid for Comp USEF ID"

MOS Scoring:
  • Resolved problem where breaking ties was not consistent under very specific circumstances.
  • Each placing in the editor will now display a circle, checkmark, or X to better visualize how the scoring is computed similar to manually scoring.
  • A new button lets you print the "MOS Position Chart" used for manually scoring for reference. This report also briefly explains how MOS scoring is performed.
  • A new button lets you "Clear" the current judge results. This does not save any changes, it just clears the form.
  • The judge results input screen has 14 fixed rows for entering judge results instead of dynamically adding rows on demand.

Online Entry:
  • Online entries screen provides name, email, and phone number fields to allow you to easily copy those fields to the clipboard. For example: Use copy / paste to an email you want to send to the person that submitted the entry.
  • When accepting an online entry, HSS provides a drop down for each person listing possible existing matches in your local HSS database, and an option to create a new person.
    There is a new button on the drop down to let you select any person in your local HSS database.

  • New report "Dressage Circuit Division Rankings by rider type and gaited" added to Show / Results folder.
    This report ranks horse and rider for dressage classes grouped by circuit points division related to each class and based on the percentage scored for each entry.
    The report is subgrouped by Rider Type AND the GAITED flag for the horse. For example PRO and PRO-GAITED
  • New report "Class sheets by Entry - USDA" added to Show / General folder.
    This report lists class entries grouped by Class number with Horse, Horse Breed Reg No, Owner, Rider, Trainer names, full mailing addresses and the Trainer's USEF number and Local Association number.
  • New report "Suspect payee tax numbers - all entries" added to Show / Finance folder.
    This report is the same as report "Suspect payee tax numbers - all entries" except that it lists ALL entries that have a suspected bad SSN number instead of just entries that have actually won prize money and also have a suspected bad SSN.
    This is useful for screening all entreis in the show that appear to have a missing or possibly invalid SSN number recorded for the entry's payee.
  • "Winnings by Division" report now includes Addback money and a total of regular prize money plus Addback money awarded.
  • "Winnings and Prizes by Division" report now includes Addback money and a total of regular prize money plus Addback money awarded.
  • Judges cards have new write-in field for judge to write in their USEF number.
USEF Bulk validation / USEF Competition status analyzer:
  • A new column "Membership Type" added for people.
    When a show pass is valid for a person the Membership Type column will display "Show Pass Valid for Comp USEF ID"
  • New buttons added to the "Entry Number" columns AND to the "Entry List" column in all screens
    • Clicking these buttons will open a review screen listing all the entries referenced, list the basic entry information and a details listing all the classes entered and fees charged.
    • The "Entry List" screen has a button for each entry listed that when clicked will open the full entry editor for the entry.
      • You can edit and save changes in the main entry edit screen as you normally would. Changes will not be reflected in the entry list until it is reopened.
      • Changes to entry records in the main bulk editor or competition analyzer will not be updated until you either refresh the data or reopen the validation or analyzer.

USEF Results Export:
Column H in the export file ("Fence Height") will populate with the default fence height for the class, OR if a fence height is specified for an entry in class results, the fence height specified for the entry.
The value is in decimal and is in inches or meters depending on the measurement type specified in the class record.

HSS  December 27, 2022   Version: 3.2022.1227
Changes and Notes
AQHA related changes:
For AQHA shows, several new features have been added:
  • AQHA Class picker added to class records to select the AQHA Class Code for a show class
  • Show Judge records have a new column "Show Number" to designate a unique show number / identity value for each show. This unique show number allows HSS to segregate the results by judge when exporting results to AQHA.

Class results for AQHA multi-judge:
  • The class results screen has a new button "MULTIJUDGE". This allows you to record placings for each judge assigned to the class.
  • A new menu item "Multi-Judge" provides results entry and reports for Multi-Judge shows.
  • A new button on the main class results toolbar "Multi Judge" lets you input result for each judge assigned to the class.
  • A multi-judge class lets you record placings from different independent judges.
  • HSS will compute the points awarded to each placed entry for each judge.
  • The total points from each judge for each entry are added together to determine the overall placings for entries in the class based on the total points each entry received from all judges.
  • AQHA results export will segregate / report as required for each judge in the show.

CC Processing:
  • New diagnostic field "Error Details" provides additional transaction information for failed Ecommerce transactions to assist diagnosing problems processing card failures.
  • Elavon Commerce Web services (EMV card reader) support will now search for card readers if no card reader is reported by CWS initially.
  • New utility CWStestUtility.exe added to allow running tests against Elavon's Commerce Web Services (CWS) for testing EMV card readers (Moby 5500, Lane 3000 / 5000)

Cheques / Checks:
  • Checks screen has a new checkmark column "Withhold". The checkmark will be checked and the row highlighted in red if the related Entry has "Withhold prize money" flag checkmarked.
  • A new checkbox to filter checks "Include withheld cheques" to show or hide cheques where the related entry record has "Withhold prize money" checkmarked. The default is unchecked.
  • Cheque labels will include a large watermark "WITHHOLD" will be printed on the label if the "Withhold prize money" is checkmarked in the entry record related to the cheque.
  • Cheque labels are sorted by "Payable to"
  • Cheques will print "WITHHOLD" underneath the cheque number and cheque date if the "Withhold prize money" is checkmarked in the entry record related to the cheque.
  • Cheque export to "Generic tab delimited list" which can be opened in Excel, includes new remark column "Rem6" usually containing addback details and "Withhold" column which is set to "True" if the entry record has the "Withhold prize money" checkmarked.

Class Editor:
  • New dropdown added "AQHA Class". For AQHA shows, select the AQHA class code for the class. This is the AQHA class that will be used when exporting results to AQHA and will also determine if this is considered an AQHA class.

Classes screen:
  • Focus is now automatically set to the class number search field.
  • Filter textboxes have moved to the top of the screen.

Class results screen:
  • A new column "Addback Prize" added to list the addback prize amount (if any) applicable to each entry.
  • HSS will highlight the entry number, entry name, Prize, and Addback prize cells in class results editor if the "Withhold prize money" flag is check marked for an entry.

Circuit Properties Editor:
  • User will be prompted for confirmation when "Auto-create" features are used to ensure the user has an opportunity to cancel the reset / creation of circuit divisions.

Division Editor:
  • Rating field supports additional ratings: LOCAL, RATED, NONRATED, A/AA, B/C
  • Changing the name of a division will force HSS to regenerate invoices for all entries that are in classes in the division to ensure any division billing fees use the new name on invoices.

Divisions Grid:
  • Rating column added. Lists the rating for each division.

Entry Editor:
  • Entry editor will now popup a warning if SSN is blank instead of forcing you to fix the field before you can save.
    You can always allow blank SSN by setting the “Allow blank federal number” option in show properties.
  • Scratching a horse will remove all riders from the entry that are not referenced by any classes.
  • New flags checkbox "Has Open Check" added. This lets you flag if the entry has an open check on file. This flag is listed in show manager for each entry
  • New flags checkbox "Withhold prize money" added.
    When checkmarked, any prize money cheques will be flagged as "Withhold" and if still printed or exported will indicate the cheque should be withheld until unchecking this flag in the entry record. Review details in the "Cheques / Checks" notes above.

    For shows that use "Apply prize money to invoices", any prize money or addback money will NOT be deducted from an entry's invoice if the "Withhold prize money" flag is set for the entry. Unchecking the Withhold prize money and saving the entry record will update the entry's invoice and apply the prize / addback prize money.
  • You can set a “Primary” rider (the default rider) in entry editor using the new button listed with each rider in the Riders list to select which rider is the default / primary rider for the entry.
    When adding a rider into classes on the classes tab, the rider selection will default to the designated primary rider.

Equine Canada:
  • Results export updated with column changes required by EC for 2023 shows.
  • Person lookups now include "Safe Sport Training Completed" flag, and highlight that property in red if the value is not "True"

Feed Entry screen:
  • New button added "Preview Invoices". This button will display invoices for all entries currently listed in the entries grid.

FEI Results export:
  • Column O, R, U will now output 0 (zero) instead of blank if R1 points, R2 points, or R3 points is zero respectively.

Horse Editor:
  • When using USEF Validation, HSS will only overwrite an existing USHJA number in the horse record if USEF provides a non blank USHJA number.

Online entry activation:
  • The bulk entry activation wizard now allows you to sort and print the final grid that lists the activation results for each entry that was selected for activation.

Online entry download:
  • The USEF Status for people will highlight in red if the status is "NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SHOW PASS/MEMBERSHIP" or "INELIGIBLE FOR SHOW PASS – MUST BECOME MEMBER"
  • When accepting an online entry, the "Invoice TO" setting (IE: OWNER, RIDER, TRAINER) HSS will now respect the setting instead of always setting the Invoice TO for the entry to OWNER.
    If the show is set to "RIDER" and there are multiple riders on the entry, the first rider alphabetically by last name will be chosen as the person to invoice.
    When Invoice TO is set to "RIDER" and there are either no riders on a horse entry or for BARN entries (which never have a rider) the Invoice To will be set to OWNER.

Ring Scheduler:
  • New search feature added to help you easily find a class number within the entire schedule including the "Unscheduled classes" list:
    • New “Class number search” field added.
    • Click on the Class number search textbox OR press the F2 key to put the focus on the new search textbox
    • Enter the class number you want to find in the schedule and press the Enter key.
    • HSS will find the class number (if valid) in any of the lists including the “Unscheduled” classes list.
    • HSS will put the correct ring / day into view if it’s outside the viewing area, briefly flash the list in red, and select the class in the list.
  • The detailed ring schedule report now handles partial minutes instead of rounding to the nearest minute when computing times and will report down to the second in the report. This is particularly important when the trip time has been set to something like 2.5 minutes.
  • The detailed ring schedule will no longer add minutes for model or undersaddle classes if there are no entries in the class. Model and undersaddle classes otherwise apply the default time for undersaddle classes as a single timespan regardless of the number of entries.


  • New report: "Global / Circuit Points - Crosstab" - The report is a global circuit points reports listing points by horse in a compact horizontal crosstab format.
  • New report: "Global / Winnings by Show with details - All shows" - The report lists all winnings paid grouped and subtotalled by show and then prize payee. Dormant shows are excluded.
  • "Prize money payees" report has new columns for Addback and total of Prize + Addback.
  • "Payees with suspect federal tax numbers" includes total of Prize + Addback.
  • "Addback Paid" report updated to reflect change to addback money being awarded as prize money instead of invoice fee credit.
  • "Jumper Money with add back" report updated to reflect change to addback money being awarded as prize money instead of invoice fee credit.
  • "Class sheets" will now include the class specification related to the class (if any).
  • "Winnings by Entry" report now lists addback money won.
  • "Winnings by Horse" report now lists addback money won.
  • "Winnings by Owner" report now lists addback money won.
  • "Winnings by Owner with page breaks" report now lists addback money won.
  • "Global / Winnings by Class - All shows" report now lists addback money won. Dormant shows are excluded.
  • "Global / Winnings by Horse - All shows" report now lists addback money won. Dormant shows are excluded.
  • "Global / Winnings by Owner - All shows" report now lists addback money won. Dormant shows are excluded.
  • "Global / Winnings by Payee - All shows" report now includes addback money won. Dormant shows are excluded.
  • "Global / Winnings by Payee with details - All shows" report now includes addback money won. Dormant shows are excluded.
  • "Circuit points - Hunter", "Circuit points - Jumper", "Circuit points - Equitation", "Circuit - Jumper Money", reports list details grouped and summarized first by show, and then by class.
  • Invoices:
    • Coggins date is shown in invoice header area beside the horse name.
    • Addback prize money will now be listed in the "Results" section of the invoice and is treated as prize money rather than as a credit on invoices.
  • "Scoresheet Hunter - Non FEI" and "Scoresheet Jumper - Non FEI", "Jump Order", and "Jump Order - simplified" now have black grid lines instead of light grey to improve readability.
  • "Trainer fee split form" has new column "Stall" which lists the information from the "Stall" field for the entry
  • "Trainer fee split form" bolds the horse name for improved clarity.
  • New Report: Winnings and Prizes by Division in reports explorer under Show \ Results.
    This report lists the prize money awarded and prize money offered grouped and summarized by Class Type, Rating (EG: LOCAL, A, B, C etc), Division

Show Manager:
  • The Entries tab has a new column "Withhold Prize Money" to indicate if the flag is set in the entry record to withhold prize money. The cell is highlighted in red if the flag is checkmarked.
  • The Entries tab has a new column "Open Check" to indicate if the "Has Open Check" flag is set in the entry record.
  • The Riders tab will automatically set focus to the rider name search field when the Riders tab is selected. The rider name search has moved to above the grid to be consistent with Entries layout.
  • The Find horse textbox will now correctly set the horse search popup to the text you entered in the main show manager screen.

Show Properties:
  • New field "Show No" added to each Show Judge on the "Judges" tab in show properties.
    The show number is used for AQHA shows that have multiple judges and results are exported for each individual judge.
  • New button "Import Settings" in Show editor lets you import various show options, payment settings, SMS text settings, and online entry settings from a different HSS show.
    This helps you more quickly setup a new show using the same settings as a previous show. The import wizard lets you select a show from the current show database or from another HSS show database.
  • Online entry settings has 2 new checkboxes in payment settings to suppress charging convenience fee on Deposits and on Regular fees.

  • The person lookup screen now allows lookups by USEF number

  • Results export updated for USEF 2023 template that adds column DN reporting "Add Back Money"
  • Person validation, bulk validation, competition status analyzer highlight USEF Status if the person's status is "NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SHOW PASS/MEMBERSHIP" or "INELIGIBLE FOR SHOW PASS – MUST BECOME MEMBER"

Other changes:
  • Pre-issueing checks to cash for a class is no longer supported. This option has been removed from the class results screen menu.

1099 Income tax records (USA):
  • Addback money is now treated as prize money and will be included in 1099 earnings for 2023 and future shows that use the addback money feature.
  • The "Automatically create 1099 data" screen will now default to the current year if when the current date is on or after June, otherwise it will default to the prior year
  • The "Automatically create 1099 data" screen will now prompt you to specify if you will be using the 1099 merge tool and set the "1099 Minimum earning threshold" to $0.00 if you indicate you will be using the 1099 Merge tool.
  • An important note added to set the threshold amount to zero ($0.00) If you intend to use the 1099 merge tool to merge 1099 data from multiple folders.
    This ensures that all 1099 data is available to the merge tool from all database folders.
    For example someone may have earned below the $600 in one database folder, but when combined with earnings in other folders may have reached the $600 reporting threshold. It is important to set the threshold to zero when your intention is to use the 1099 merge tool to ensure all earnings are available to the 1099 Merge tool.

1099 Merge tool:
  • Corrected a problem where "No databases found" message is displayed and the merge cannot continue.
HSS  July 12, 2022   Version: 3.2022.0712
Changes and Notes
Invoicing / OLentry Convenience fee:
Fixed problem where convenience fee charged during online entry submission was charged to an entry but did not list on invoice.

  • Class results and Class results-compact reports will now sort correctly if R1Faults is up to 96.
    Faults greater than 96 are considered DNF, WD, or Retired.
    Previously any value over 90 was considered as DNF which affected sort order.
  • New report - Show \ Entries \ Rider Associations - This report lists all riders in the show and their various association numbers.

  • Show Analysis, and Show Analysis Summarized reports now categorize convenience fees (IE: Fee Code *CC-CONVFEE) under "GENERAL" rather than Class entry fees.

HSS  June 28, 2022   Version: 3.2022.0626
Changes and Notes
Bulk entry activation:
Resolved problem where conv fee computed / charged at activation time may have rounded down to nearest dollar.

Classes Screen:
  • Added "Bonus Points" to classes grid.

Class Results Screen:
  • A new checkbox "California Split" added to the "Class and Prize settings" tab. This allows you to change the "California Split" setting for the class.
    California Split classes expect multiple entries to be recorded for each placing and apply appropriate prize money computations.
    This is the same flag that can be set in Class records.
  • Multi-Judge Feature Added:
  • A new menu item "Multi-Judge" provides results entry and reports for Multi-Judge shows.
    A multi-judge class lets you record placings from different independent judges.
    HSS will compute the points awarded to each placed entry for each judge.
    The total points from each judge for each entry are added together to determine the overall placings for entries in the class based on the total points each entry received from all judges.
  • Use the "Multi-judge placings" report on the Multi-judge menu to print a report listing the placings from each judge.
  • You can also select this report for multiple classes from Report Explorer / Show / Results.

  • Class results grid has two new columns "EC Class" and "EC Class Type".
    Use the EC Class column to set a specific EC class on an entry by entry basis and the "EC Class Type" field to set a specific EC Class Type on an entry by entry basis.
    This is useful for combined classes where different entries in the class are competing in an EC Class that is different than the default set for the class.
    • If no EC Class is specified for an entry, the entry will use the default EC Class defined in the class record for the purpose of EC Results reporting.
    • If no EC Class Type is specified for an entry, the entry will use the default EC Class Type defined in the class record for the purpose of EC Results reporting.

Credit card processing:
  • Elavon (Virtual Merchant) retail account processing modified to use POST instead of GET when communicating with converge endpoint to conform to changes at Elavon effective July 21, 2022.
  • HSO will now charge the convenience fee when online entries are submitted where an amount is due at entry time AND a convenience fee percentage has been defined for the show.
    Important: For existing shows, you MUST replublish your shows to enable convenience fee processing.

  • Added new 2022 WDAA Dressage tests
  • Added new 2022 USEF and USEA Dressage tests

FEI Results export:
  • HSS will now warn and prevent export if it detects missing FEI number or FEI Country fields for horse and rider.

Horse editor - USEF validation:
  • Resolved problem where Warmblood would change to Australian Warmblood

  • New report added: Show / Entries / Entry Labels - for show series - This label report lists all entries for all shows in the same show series as the current show.
  • New report added: Show / Entries/ Entry number assignment for show series by Horse - exceptions
    This report lists horses across all shows in the same show series where the same horse has different entry numbers in different shows in the series.
    This is useful if you need to identify horses that should have the same entry number in each week of a multi-week show.
  • New report added: Show / Entries / Veterinary - FEI Simple - This report lists Entry, Horse name, FEI Passport, Microchip for entries in a class.
  • New report added: Show / Entries / Show Entries By Horse - compact
  • New report added: Show / Entries / Show Entries By Entry - compact
  • New report added: Show / Entries / Show Entries By Trainer - compact
  • New report added: Show / Financial / Prize Money Payees - This report lists Entry, Horse name, Owner, 1st Payment From, Prize Payee, Last 4 digits of SSN/Federal Number.
  • New report added: Show / General / Class Entry Count By Class Type
  • New report added: Show / General / Class Entry Count by Trainer
  • New report added: Show / Results / Multi-judge placings - This report lists the judge placings for classes where multiple judges record different placings in a class.

  • Corrected "Class results - compact" report sorting where an entry is flagged as RET, ELIM, WD in round 2 or round 3.
  • Circuit points - compact removes obsolete age-group column, excludes equitation classes and divisions, and resolves column alignment problem when exporting to excel (data only)
  • Circuit points - compact - equitation removes obsolete age-group column, and resolves column alignment problem when exporting to excel (data only)
  • Trainer Add/Scratch report now lists the full class name instead of an abbreviated description so that trainers can more easily discern the correct class number where class names have very similar descriptions.

Equine Canada:
  • Updated EC classes to most current list.
  • EC Results export updated to include Coach (Trainer in HSS) Passport number to conform to the change in column 113 definition by EC from "OwnerFederation" to "Coach Sport Licence Number".
    If the Trainer related to the entry has a missing or non-numeric EC Sport Licence No then a value of zero "0" will be used in the export data.
  • Corrected problem where a new database did not have latest list of Equine Canada classes in drop down in class editor.
  • Corrected problem where EC class fields could not be reset to empty.
  • Class results screen has two new columns "EC Class", and "EC Class Type".
    • Use the EC Class column to set a specific EC class on an entry by entry basis and the "EC Class Type" field to set a specific EC Class Type on an entry by entry basis. This is useful for combined classes where different entries in the class are competing in an EC Class that is different than the default set for the class.
    • If no EC Class is specified for an entry, the entry will use the default EC Class defined in the class record for the purpose of EC Results reporting.
    • If no EC Class Type is specified for an entry, the entry will use the default EC Class Type defined in the class record for the purpose of EC Results reporting.

USEF Bulk Validation:
  • A new checkbox in the bulk validation screen allows you to only apply USEF information to person record fields that are blank.

  • People and Horse names are now forced to upper case in the event USHJA returns names in lower or mixed case.

HSS  March 07, 2022   Version: 3.2022.0307
Changes and Notes
This version introduces a number of important features along with other updates that have been requested.

Important new features:

  • Support for "Barn account entries" at HSO and in HSS.
  • Support for deferring charging specified fees to an exhibitor until you activate their entry.
  • Support for USEF's updated web API - You need to obtain your "USEF Software Key" before August 2022.
  • New USHJA lookup features using USHJA's web API.
  • EMV card present credit card processing for Elavon users - requires hardware from Elavon.

Activate Pending Entries Wizard:

  • A new checkbox column indicates if the entry is a Barn account entry.
  • A new field lets you specify the starting number to assign to "Barn account entries". The default is 8000
Charge credit card at entry activation time:
HSS now allows fees to be flagged that should be billed at the time you Activate an online entry (IE: Changing it from Pending to Active status).
This is useful for fees like Stall fees that you may not want to bill until you have assigned and entry number.

The Activate Pending Entries wizard will compute the amounts due for each fee that is flagged for billing at activation time.
You have the opportunity to review the quantity of each of the fees and can also override the quantity requested by the exhibitor prior to activation / billing.
If the amount due is greater than $0.00, the wizard will popup the credit card charge screen for the entry to allow you to select the payment method to bill.
If the credit card payment fails, you will have the option to try again, accept the entry without charging a card (bill it later), leave the entry in Pending status, or stop processing any further entries.

Class results screen:
  • Scratch / Unscratch an entry with a right click: You can now right click on an entry in class results to scratch an entry from the popup menu.
  • Results entry screen has a new column "Fence Height" to allow entering the fence height.

Credit card processing:
  • Support added for EMV / PIN card swipers for Elavon payment gateway users for card present / retail use.
  • Supported card readers: Moby 5500, Lane 3000, Lane 5000.
  • Card readers must be provisioned by Elavon.
  • You must install Elavon's "Commerce Web Services" on the computer the payment terminal is attached to. The CWS installer is a separate download.
  • Only Elavon is supported at this time.
  • In the show properties screen in HSS on the "Payment processing" tab, set the payment processor to "Virtual Merchant" and set the card reader type to Moby5500, Lane3000, or Lane5000 depending on the card reader/terminal you have been provided with.
  • When using one of the EMV card readers, a new button is shown on the Credit Card payment screen to "Use EMV card reader". Click that button to start the payment process.
  • Follow the prompts indicating when to swipe, insert, or tap the card.

Division Editor:
  • New field for online entry settings: Must enter all classes in division
  • New field for "Max Entries" to define the maximum number of entries permitted in the division before it is considered full. (0=no limit)
  • New field for class defaults: Max entries. Defines the default maximum entries allowed in new classes created in the division. (0=no limit)

Entry Editor:
  • Changing and entry from Pending to Active status now provides a "Cancel" button on the "Select new entry number" popup screen.
    Clicking Cancel in the popup will revert the entry back to Pending status with the original Pending entry number.
  • On the "Classes" tab, the list of all classes has a new column "Age Vfy." indicating if the class requires that the horse's age must be verified.
  • USEF status will now flag / highlight if the horse has no USHJA number listed at USEF.
  • HSS will warn you when attempting to update an entry if the entry is entered in a class that requires horse age verified, but the horse has not been flagged as age verified.

Fee Editor:
  • New checkbox added "Barn Account Fee" - Indicates if the fee is available for selection for online BARN account entries.
  • New checkbox added "Charge fee when pending entry activated - Horse entries" - For regular Horse online entries, indicates if the fee should be charged at the time the entry is activated instead of at entry submission time.
  • New checkbox added "Charge fee when pending entry activated - Barn entries" - For Barn online entries, indicates if the fee should be charged at the time the entry is activated instead of at entry submission time.
  • New checkbox added "Charge when entry activated". When checked, the fee will be charged against online entries when the entry is Activated instead of at online entry submission.
    This is appropriate when you may not accept all online entries and you only want to charge the fee if you activate the entry and assign an entry number.
    The applicable fee amounts will be charged at the time you activate the entry using the bulk activation wizard in HSS.

Horse Editor:
  • New field added for "USHJA Number"
  • Horse validation using USEF number lookup will obtain the USHJA number when doing a USEF lookup for the horse.
  • A new USHJA lookup button beside the USHJA Number field allow validation / search of USHJA system for the horse.

Online entries - Entry Acceptance screen:
  • You can now edit the following while accepting an online entry: Entry Alias, Entry Remark, Account Locked
  • When accepting an online entry you can now edit the quantities for all fees.
    This allows you to modify the quantity requested by the exhibitor or to apply other fees as needed.
    This lets you easily adjust things like late fees and other charges as you process online entries.
  • When accepting a BARN entry, HSS will set the fee quantity for non-barn account fees to zero on barn entries to avoid
    charging fees like USEF fees, Drug fees, Office fees etc that are not appropriate to BARN entries that have a non-zero
    default quantity. You can manually change any fee quantity as needed in the fees list.

Person Editor:
  • New field "USHJA No" added to record USHJA member number.
  • Person validation using USEF number lookup will obtain the USHJA number when doing a USEF lookup for the person.
  • A new USHJA lookup button beside the USHJA Number field allow validation / search of USHJA system for the person.


  • Class Entry Exceptions report will now list an exception message "Horse age is not verified" if the class requires age verification AND the horse's record does not indicate the horse's age has been verified.
  • You can use the USEF bulk validation screen to check / update the horse age validation for all horses in the show.
  • New report "Class Proofing - Numeric order" added. Same as the Class Proofing report, but sorted by Division number instead of alphabetically by division name.
  • Class Proofing report is now sorted alphabetically by division name instead of division number. A new column indicates if a class is a model class.
  • Class results report will now list the Place instead of WD, ELIM, RET when special codes are placed in Round 2, or Round 3 faults
    Previously WD, ELIM, RET were listed as the finish place if the special codes (97, 98, 99) were recorded in any of Round 1, Round 2, or Round 3 faults columns.
    WD, ELIM, RET will now only replace the finish place for round 1.
  • Divisions report is now sorted alphabetically by division name instead of division number.
    New columns added "Bill Mode", "USEF Section"
    Classes are listed for each division. If the class is a model or under saddle class then [M] or [US] is appended to the class name.
  • New report "Invoice Fees by Fee Code" in "Reports Explorer \ Show \ Financial"
    This reports lists all fees invoiced, grouped by fee code. Details are listed that show the entry each fee was charged to and the amount.
    The report is based on invoices.
  • Measurement Card Verification revised per USEF rule GR503 to only require annual measurement for horses under 6 years old.
  • Scratched Entries report updated to support both old and new format of scratched entries.
    Old versions of HSS appended "-SCR" to the entry alias for a scratched entry. Newer versions of HSS use ":SCR"
    The report will now list either type of tag on the entry name alias.
  • Trainer check-in report (invoked from show manager / right click) now includes the remark from the entry record if a remark exists.

Show Editor:
  • A new field "USEF Software Key" located on the "Governing Orgs" tab in the USEF section.
    This is where you enter the USEF Software Key provided to you by USEF to allow you to access USEF's database for horse and person lookups, validation etc.
    Obtain this key from the dashboard at USEF. Please contact USEF directly if you need assistance acquiring your software key.
    As of August 2022 you MUST have a software key in order to access the USEF web api.

  • Show Editor - Online entry settings add the following new features:
    • A new section "Barn Entries" to allowing configuring Barn Entry behaviour with the following settings
    • Allow barn account online entries - this allows a person to submit non-horse type entries.
    • Barn entries allow submitting an entry with fee quantity selections for fees that you have flagged as available for Barn entries.
    • Charge visible show fee amounts (barn entries) - determines if the exhibitor should be charged at submission time for fees on a barn entry
    • Deposit amount for barn entries - different from the normal deposit amount for Horse entries. Default is $0.00

Show Manager:
  • New column added "Remark". The Remark column will list the first 50 characters of the remark recorded in the entry record.
    Open the entry to view the full remark in the event it is longer than 50 characters.

USEF Validation:
  • USHJA number is now included for USHJA members and horses in single record validation lookups.
  • USEF Bulk validation includes the USHJA Number reported by USEF for people and horses.
    This allows you to bulk update the USHJA No for people and horse records very efficiently.

USEF API Changes, Limited Access, and Software Key:
  • USEF has introduced a new restriction that limits access to the USEF database for lookups, validation etc.
  • Each show organizer must now obtain their "Software Key". This is done on the USEF website in your dashboard at USEF.
  • USEF will only allow access to their data (their "API") for USEF shows and only to shows that have provided a Software Key.
  • Furthermore, API access is limited to shows within the same USEF show year. In other words if the show was in a prior USEF show year (which runs from Dec 1 through Nov 30 rather than a calendar year) you will not be able to access the API when the current date is in the new show year.
  • HSS has a new field "Software key" in show properties as noted above in the "Show editor" notes.
    You should ensure that you have also entered the correct USEF Competition number in show properties in the "Governing Orgs" tab in the USEF section.
    USEF will be shutting down the old API as of Aug 2022 - it is important that you obtain and begin using the USEF software key in order to access USEF.
    Contact USEF directly if you need assistance obtaining your Software Key.

USHJA Lookups:
  • New items on the USEF menu: "USHJA Horse lookup" and "USHJA Person lookup".
    These screens allow you to lookup information at USHJA for a person or horse by USHJA number, by USEF number, or by horse name or person name.
    USHJA only provides limited information: Membership status, USHJA No, USEF no.

View and Print Online Entries:
  • New columns added for Entry Type (HORSE or BARN), Owner, and Trainer. This allows you to see as well as filter the list by owner and/or trainer
  • A new Fees filter
  • New fee filter checkbox list:
    • Check-marking fees in the list will restrict the list of entries to only those entries that CURRENTLY have a non-zero value for ANY of the check-marked fees.
      EG: Checking STALL FEE and also checking USHJA SHOW PASS FEE will list all entries where the entry has a STALL FEE OR a USHJA SHOW PASS FEE

Windows Version Support:
HSS requires Microsoft .Net framework 4.72 or higher to be installed on the user's computer.
Virtually all up to date Windows 10 (build 1803) or later versions of Windows already include version .Net Framework version 4.72 or later.
The HSS installer will check for the correct Microsoft .Net Framework during installation, and prompt to install it from Microsoft if not found. The .Net Framework is supported on Windows 7 (assuming all windows updates have been installed), 8, 10, 11 and later versions of Windows.

We recommend that users are using a fully updated version of Windows 10 or Windows 11.  Microsoft no longer supports earlier versions of Windows (EG: WIndows 7)

HSS  October 10, 2021   Version: 3.2021.1008
Changes and Notes
Champ Chart Tool:
  • New buttons on the champ chart screen let you save / reset the default points values used for standard and bonus points.
  • Champ chart results report now includes the rings associated with each class in the report.

Class Editor:
  • The "Fence Height" field is highlighted with a red background if no fence height has been specified. Note that USEF generally requires a fence height be specified for all classes.
  • Resolved obscure problem where prize group selection would get cleared when changing tabs in the class edit screen during new class creation.

Classes grid:
  • The "Fence Height" column is highlighted with a red background if no fence height has been specified for a class.
  • The "USEF Section" column is highlighted with a red background if no USEF section code has been specified for a class.

Class results screen:
  • A new checkbox lets you optionally view the trainer name for each entry.
  • Jump order editors - manual and drag and drop, now include the trainer name and the rider name in the list of entries.

Divisions grid:
  • The "USEF Section" column is highlighted with a red background if no USEF section code has been specified for a class.

Division editor:
  • The class defaults "Fence Height" column is highlighted with a red background if no default fence height has been specified.

Horse Editor:
  • When doing a USEF lookup, if USEF returns a blank FEI passport number or FEI reg no it will not ovewrite the FEI number currently recorded in the horse's record with the blank data from USEF.

Payment entry screen:
  • Entries that have been flagged as "Locked" are highlighted in yellow when listed in the payment entry screen.
    This provides a visual cue that you may need to review the locked account.

Person Editor:
  • When doing a USEF lookup, if USEF returns a blank FEI passport number it will not ovewrite the FEI number currently recorded in the person's record with the blank from USEF.
  • USEF validation from a person record has a new panel that lists only the fields that differ between HSS and USEF.
    • Each field that doesn’t match has a checkbox to let you choose which fields to update in HSS.
    • By default all mismatched fields are checked.
    • Fields where USEF has no data are ignored, preventing you from overwriting an HSS field with blank data from USEF.

Show Properties:
  • New checkbox on the "Options" tab of show properties to "Allow blank federal number (Social Security No)" in entries for the prize payee.
    For shows that do not offer prize money, or otherwise do not need to record a federal tax number (IE: SSN, SIN) this checkbox can be checked to prevent entry editor from forcing you to provide a federal number for the prize payee.

  • Class Labels report now respects the sorting selection you select in reports explorer (IE: Scheduled ring and date, OR just by class number).
  • Class results AND Class results-compact reports now group entries that did not finish (EG: no placing, ELIM, WD, RET, SCR) after entries that did place.
  • New report added "Entries - Horse Breed" to reports explorer under Show / Entries.
    This report lists all non-barn account entries in the show with the horse's breed, breed registry number, Sire, Dam, and Owner.
  • New report added "Invoice Fees by trainer" to the Show / Financial reports. This lists fees invoiced for each entry grouped and summarized by trainer.
    This report will list all fees charged, including class and division entry fees.
  • New report added "Winnings by Class - all shows" to the GLOBAL reports.
    This lists winnings by class number + class name across all shows.
  • New report added "Winnings by Horse - all shows" to the GLOBAL reports.
    This lists winnings by horse name across all shows.
  • Rider labels report will now allow up to 4 lines of class numbers and still print if there are more than 4 lines of classes entered instead of leaving the classes entered list blank if it wouldn't fit in the available label area.

  • Lookups, validation and related features that access USEF's system are restricted to USEF shows.
    The governing body must be set to USEF and a valid USEF number must be configured in the show's properties.
  • New entry agreement effective Oct 1, 2021 applied to online entry settings.
  • New waiver agreement applied to HorseShowsOnline waiver submission wizard. Effective Oct 1, 2021
  • Results export will now include a class record even when there are no un-scratched entries in the class, assuming you leave the "Include classes with no entries" checkbox checked.

USEF Results Export:
  • The fence height is now listed for each class and highlighted in red if there is no fence height defined for a class.
  • The USEF section code is now listed for each class and highlighted in red if there is no section code defined for a class.
  • Columns added indicating model and undersaddle classes.
  • USEF Export screen has a new drop down to select which Association number field (EG: AssocNo, ASHA, AHA etc.) should be used for Owners and Trainers for the "Rider Breed Affiliate No." and "Owner Breed Affiliate No." in the USEF export file. Columns AD and AM respectively in the USEF export file.
  • When exporting USEF results, a warning will list the number of classes with a missing fence height (model and under saddle classes are excluded) AND the number of classes with a missing section code.

HSS  August 03, 2021   Version: 3.2021.0803
Changes and Notes
Email Tool:
  • The email tool now lists the DOB (date of birth) and AGE for each person.
  • The email tool is found on the Data menu in HSS.
  • Use the email tool to export email and addresses to a list you can copy and paste directly into an email or other mail program, OR export the list to an Excel worksheet.
  • Use the filter boxes in the column headings to restrict the export to only those people that are of a certain age.
    For example you may want to export a list of email addresses intended only for adults. Just type in 18 in the "Age" heading and the list will filter to only people 18 and older.

  • Corrected problem where save file dialogue had incorrrect ".csv" or ."txt" filter that may cause a file name getting saved with an extra parenthesis in filename.

SMS send dialogues:
  • Corrected typo "send nessage" to send "message"

  • Improved error logging for HSO connectivity to better diagnose problems on system with exceptionally slow internet (EG: Satellite / XploreNet etc.)
  • Refer to the Windows Application Event log using Windows Event Viewer for HSS connection failure errors if unable to connect when registering or using other functions that rely on internet connectivity.
  • The PING timeout to test for connectivity to HSO has been increased from the default 500ms to 8000ms when testing internet connectivity to HSO.
    It is important that any routers / firewalls allow PING requests to pass through the network and are not blocked.
  • HSOserviceTest utility has a new feature to test PING success / failure.

USEF Bulk Validation:
  • Fake USEF numbers longer than 10 characters are now filtered out and considered invalid USEF numbers.

HSS  July 09, 2021   Version: 3.2021.0709
Changes and Notes
Class results entry screen:
  • The "Results entry" screen, launched from the class results screen, now lists the start position for each entry.
    This is a sortable column so that you can sort by start position, entry number etc in order to suit your preference.
Credit card processing:
  • A new checkbox in Show Editor / Payment processing allows you to enable / disable auto printing of credit card receipts when processing card present payments.

HSS Database Utility:
The utility can be used to copy an existing HSS database to a new folder and select only specific shows that you want copied.
  • This is useful for creating a new database where you would like to delete specific shows.
  • For overly large databases, this is a great way to create a new and smaller database by purging shows you no longer need in the database.
  • The original database is not changed.
  • Only shows that you select will be copied to the new database.
  • This utility can be launched from the Windows start menu in the "HSS Show Software" folder, or directly by executing HSSdbUtility.exe in the C:\HSSV3 folder.
Entry editor:
  • When a horse is scratched completely in entry editor, the horse alias name will now use a space instead of hyphen between ":SCR <date>" to improve word wrap.

Equine Canada:
EC Classes and related information updated with latest EC class information.

NEW - "Export jump order" item on the main HSS / Export menu.
Select and export the jump order for multiple classes to CSV formatted file.
The CSV file can be opened in Excel and lists the following columns for each class:
ClassNo, ClassName, StartPos, EntryNo, RiderFirstName, RiderLastName, RiderFEIno, RiderUSEFno, RiderECno, RiderFEIcountry, HorseName, HorseFEIno, HorseUSEFno, HorseECno

Fee Entry Screen:
  • A new option added "<Manually Specified Entries>" which is now the default, clears the list of entries.
    In this mode, you need to manually specify the entry numbers to adjust.
  • If "<All entries>" mode is selected, then all entries will be listed but the "Fee Totals" for the entire show will not be visible.
    This is to protect disclosure of the show's sensitive billing information to users.
Fees and Fee edit screen:
  • Improved the update speed when adding a new fee with a quantity of zero.
    When adding a new fee where the default quanity is zero, HSS will skip regenerating all invoices.
  • A new caption is displayed during fee updates so you know work is in progress.
  • In general you are encouraged to create your show fee structure BEFORE populating entries.
    Try to finalize your fee structure before processing entries.
    HSS must update all entry records when you revise global fees which can be a lengthy process depending on the number of entries in your show.

USEF bulk validation / status analyzer / non-member analyzer:
Resolved problem where bulk lookups would fail if an exhibitor or user entered an exceptionally large (and invalid) USEF number.

Trainer Add/Scratch will show a "See office..." message for each entry that has been "Locked".

Show Manager:
NEW - Search all horses and add entry.
  • The old "All horses" list in show manager has been replaced with a new field to search all horses.
  • Enter some text to search and click the Enter key or double click the search field.
  • HSS will open the "Select Horse" screen with a list of all horse where the search text is found in the:
    Horse name, owner name, USEF number, FEI number, or EC number related.
  • The list will isplay how many times the horse is recorded in entries in the show.
  • For horses already entered in the show, you can expand the horse details to see the entry number(s) and the owner / trainer details.
  • Double click a horse to create a new entry for the selected horse (or highlight the horse and hit ENTER on your keyboard or click the OK button.

SMS Messaging:
Sending messages to attendees at show now lets you select multiple classes rather than just all classes or a single class.

  • Increased maximum file locks from default of 9,500 to 100,000 to accomodate database updates that generate huge changes to the database.
    EG: Adding a new global fee to a show with 1,000+ entries.
TIN export from 1099 data:
  • The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) export when created from the 1099 screen will no longer exclude invalid or missing federal numbers.
    The TIN export is used for export to payee verfication services to ensure the SSN numbers you submit with respect to 1099s are valid.

HSS  June 22, 2021   Version: 3.2021.0622
Changes and Notes
1099 Income Forms screen:
  • New "Export TIN" button added to toolbar to export federal number information to a standard TIN file that can be used for validation of taxpayer information by third party services.
Breeds list:
  • Added new breed "AUSWB - Australian Warmblood"
Class results - Order of go import:
  • The "Jump Order" drop down menu and "Jump Order" button in the class results screen has a new item "Import order of go".
    This allows import of order of go in ShowNet format from a standard ShowNet CSV file.
    The file should have one comma delimited row for each entry in the class.
    Each row must have 3 items separated by columns" Class number", "Start Position", "Entry Number"
    EG: 101,1,15 (Class 101, Start=1, Entry=15)

    When there are entries that are in the class but NOT listed in the ShowNet import file, the importwizard will let you specify if the missing entries should go FIRST or LAST (IE: Before or after entries that ARE listed in the import file).

    Entries listed in the import file that do not exist in the class are ignored, but a warning is listed in the import wizard.
Close multiple classes:
  • Increased size of display and column widths for better visibility
Entry Status Notifications:
  • HSS in conjunction with HSO provides a new feature to notify exhibitors of their online entry status.
  • Entry Status Notifications are OFF by default.
  • When enabled, HSO will send notifications to exhibitors when you process their online entries.
  • A notification is sent when a "Submitted" entry is: Rejected, Waitlisted, or Activated (IE: Changed from Pending to Active status) in HSS.
  • TIN Export by person now excludes people or payees where the Federal number is blank or all non digits.
Fee Entry Screen:
  • When you use the "Apply Fee Changes" button any manually added entries will be retained in the list so you can continue to apply fee changes to the same list of entries rather than refreshing the list based on the currently selected owner, trainer or rider. This makes it easier to continue working with the same list of entries.
  • You can now manually add OR delete entries in the list by entering the entry number and pressing the + (plus) or - (minus) keys on your keypad/keyboard.
  • New buttons have been added to clear the list of entries or select all entries in the show.

  • These changes make it very efficient to review specific fee amounts for all or groups of entries in the show all at once.
HSO Control Panel:
  • There is a new toggle switch to turn Entry Status Notifications on or off.
  • HSO can send notifications to exhibitors when you process online entries or activate entries in HSS (Change from Pending to Active status in show manager).
  • If you enable Entry Status Notifications, HSO will send an email to the exhibitor (the person that is the "Contact" in the show entry) to inform them when you activate an entry and assign an entry number, when you reject an online entry, or when you waitlist an online entry.

  • It is important to understand that if you turn entry status notifications on, then HSO will send all notifications that may have occurred prior to turning the notification feature on.
Mailing labels:
  • Corrected problem where mailing labels screen may not load list of people / entries.
Online Entries:
  • Online entry download optimized for large lists of entries. Entry information should now download within seconds.
  • HSS will download the list of all entries, and only download the full entry for processing on demand instead of downloading all information at once.
  • Online entry download screen now displays the data AND time the entry was submitted. This allows you to see a more precise submission date and time.
  • Process online entries screen has a new option to "Waitlist" an entry.
    This allows you to "park" the entry at HSO with a status of "Waitlist".
    This is intended to let you put entries on a waiting list.
  • You can accept a waitlisted entry in subsequent sessions if you want to pull one or more waitlisted entries into the show.
  • If you enable Entry Status Notifications for the show, the exhibitor will receive an email indicating the entry has been placed on the waitlist.
  • The online entries processing screen now lists the Remark (if any) the exhibitor included in the entry.
  • The new filter row in the top of the grid lets you search / filter for content in the Remark column.
  • New payment type added "WIRETRANSFER"
  • Unscheduled classes report now includes the number of entries (if any) in the listed classes.
  • NEW report "Product transaction summary by trainer - Show series" added to "Reports / Show / Products and orders"
  • NEW report "Classes with no fence heights" added to "Reports / Show / General".
    This report lists all classes that do not have a fence height specified.
    The report also flags if the classes are flagged as model and/or under saddle
  • Circuit points - Compact - Equitation: Now ignores the circuit division type and simply uses the class type (Equitation) to filter records.
  • Trainer Add/Scratch: If an entry is locked, "(LCK)" is shown beside the entry number and the horse name is underlined.
  • Payees with suspect federal tax numbers: An asterisk is shown beside the entry number if that entry number has the "Account Locked" flag checked in the entry record.
  • Grand Prix Jumper results report now includes FEI passport number for horse and for rider, and (if known) the country the rider is competing is appended to the rider's name.

  • New Report: Stall Usage By Stable With (Pending) – Summary
    • Only pending entries included

  • New Report: Stall Usage By Stable With (All) – Summary
    • Active AND Pending included.
    • Each stable with trainer may have 2 rows, one for Active and the other for Pending
    • Row total column lists total of each fee for each status (Active and Pending entries).
Ring Schedule:
  • Improved initial load speed of Ring Schedule by deferring display of scheduled classes until the lists are fully loaded.
  • New feature added to allow adding additional "Info" text for each scheduled class in the schedule.
    • This allows you to provide up to 20 characters of text related to each scheduled class (EG: Time information).
    • The new feature can be accessed from the "InfoEdit" button in the main menu in Ring Scheduler OR from the "File / Ring scheduler Info Edit" item on the main HSS menu.
    • The additional information will be shown on ring schedule reports and in the ring schedule at HorseShowsOnline.
    • When printing the "Ring Schedule - Compact" report, if you have "Show times" enabled, the time column will list the scheduled time and any InfoText you set for the class will be appended to the scheduled time set.
      Otherwise only the Info text will be shown (if any).
Scoreboard Import:
  • Ryegate-Web import - Corrected problem where fault values for Round 2 and Round 3 (Jump off) were not getting applied to correct columns.
  • Pyramid Timing -web - Corrected problem where jump off (Round 3) values were not importing.

Show Editor / Online entry settings:
  • A new checkbox "Require hotel / accommodation address with online entries" has been added to the Basic Options tab in online entry settings for the show.
    • When Check marked, this will require people to provide information on where they are staying during the show. The default is Unchecked.
    • Show managers can download a summary of the Accommodation information from the Show Management screen at HorseShowsOnline under "Shows I Manage".

  • A new checkbox on the Options tab is used to enable / disable Entry Status Notifications for the show.
    Changing the setting in the show properties will not take effect until you publish the show to HSO.
    You can accomplish the same setting change immediately using the identical setting via HSO Control Panel on the HorseShowsOnline menu.
  • Resolved problem saving a show where there are identical copies of the show in the same database.
Show Manager:
  • New column added "Coggins OK".
     This checkbox indicates if you have reviewed the coggins information provided by the exhibitor and check-marked the "Coggins OK" checkbox in the entry's record. It will be highlighted in pink if the checkbox is not checked.
  • New checkbox filter "Locked records only" added to "Entries" list to filter the list of entries to only those are flagged as "Locked".
  • Column header now wraps the column header text over two lines for narrow columns with long column descriptions.

  • The obsolete and seldom used "All horses" list has been removed from the main show manager screen.
    A survey of show secretaries indicates this list was seldom used and required considerable network bandwidth, especially for large databases.
    This also allows for additional space for the main list of entries on the screen.

  • Resolved problem with "Move Entries / Combine Class wizard" on some computers where the list would paint the wrong nameinto a row when it is selected if the list was long enough that the grid scrolls.
View/Print online entries:
  • Buttons renamed to be more clear in their purpose.
  • The maximum number of entries to print at once is set at 100.
    This is to prevent a user from overwhelming the network with data requests and making their computer appear to be non responsive.
    This is especially important if generating "current" versions of entry forms which requires reading LOTS of data to generate the entry form based on current class entries, fees etc.
    HSS  December 07, 2020   Version: 3.2020.1207
    Changes and Notes
    Data menu:
    New "Mailing Labels" tool added to the main Data menu in HSS.
    This feature is also available from the Reports menu in Show Manager.

    Use the Mailing Labels tool to generate mailing labels for selected entries.
    Mail labels are printed on Avery 5261 style sheet labels, 4 x 1 inch labels, 2 columns 10 rows. 20 labels per sheet.
    When printing one label per entry, the entry number and name will be included in the top right of each label.
    The mailing label tool provides the following features:
    • Filter show entries by "All entries", "Credit balance entries only", "Balance owing entries only"
    • Manually select individual entries to print labels for.
    • Use the Owner, Trainer, or Payee person's address on the labels
    • Print one label per entry, or one label per addressee
    Document Explorer:
    Updated to latest component version build. Resolves problem where document explorer may not open.

    Entry editor - Pay By Credit Card:
    The "Process credit card payment" button on the Payments tab in Entry editor will now launch the standard payment entry screen to allow processing convenience fees and other related features in the payment entry screen.

    Suspect payee tax numbers report is now only lists payees where the entry has prize money.

    Suspect payee tax numbers (GLOBAL) report is now only lists payees where the entry has prize money.

    Grand prix jumper report includes the entry number below the placing for each entry listed.

    NEW reports added:
    • Global report "Circuit points - Compact - Equitation"
    • Show / Results / Points - "Circuit points (This Show) - Compact - Equitation"
    These reports are similar to the "Circuit points - Compact" reports, but are limited to Equitation divisions and classes and rank by rider instead of horse.

    Show Manager:
    New "Mailing Labels" tool added to the "Reports" menu in Show Manager.
    Use the Mailing Labels tool to generate mailing labels for selected entries.
    Mail labels are printed on Avery 5261 style sheet labels, 4 x 1 inch labels, 2 columns 10 rows. 20 labels per sheet.
    When printing one label per entry, the entry number and name will be included in the top right of each label.
    The mailing label tool provides the following features:
    • Filter show entries by "All entries", "Credit balance entries only", "Balance owing entries only"
    • Manually select individual entries to print labels for.
    • Use the Owner, Trainer, or Payee person's address on the labels
    • Print one label per entry, or one label per addressee

    HSS  September 15, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0915
    Changes and Notes

    Activate pending entries wizard:
    Owner, trainer names are now listed "Lastname, Firstname" to facilitate sorting by person.

    Champ Chart Tool:

    A new checkbox "Show trainer on results report" provides the option to list the trainer associated with each entry in the results details grid.

    Credit card receipt printing:
    • HSS auto-prints receipts when a credit card is processed.
    • When using "Ecommerce" payment processor in Show properties / Payment processing, HSS will now include address information when sending the payment to the Ecommerce processing gateway. This will allow AVS checking to be enabled at the payment gateway (IE: Elavon).

    Data Menu:

    NEW - Copy mobile payer info from prior show wizard added to the Data menu.
    Use this feature to copy the Mobile payer information from matching entries in a prior show to the current show.
    The matches are based on the same Horse name AND same Owner name.
    • Select the show to copy from.
    • HSS will list all entries in the current show that do NOT already have the same mobile payer information.
    • Select the entries you want to update.
    Entry Editor:
    Removed obsolete copy / paste credit card information button.

    Security key updated - New security key is applied to ecommerce registrations effective Sep 9, 2020. There is no change to operation, this is an internal update only and part of a regular security key rotation.

    Additional executable files are now digitally signed.

    Payment entry screen:
    The "Credit Card" tab is now coloured light green to make the choice of manual entry / credit card payment more obvious.

    Mobile Invoicing / Payment synchronization:
    The "Process mobile show invoice payments" screen will now check for entries where an invoice payment has been recorded locally in HSS and automatically cancel any mobile invoice still outstanding for the entry. This will help synchronize and prevent duplicate payments.
    A new "Refresh Payments" button has been added to this screen so that you can easily load / synchronize mobile payments.

    Class sheets by entry - compact
    The report no longer lists the start position for each entry, and has a page break between classes.

    Suspect payee tax numbers report
    Now groups / sorts by “Payee Lastname, Firstname” instead of “Payee Firstname Lastname”

    Trainer check-in report

    • Now correctly lists the prize payee when the prize Payee is the owner.
    • Now includes prize money won by each entry and the total for trainer.
    • Drilling down on an entry lists each class prize amount won for the entry.

    Open Invoice Balances By Trainer report added to Reports Explorer / Show / Financial reports. (NEW Report)
    This report lists all invoices that have a non-zero balance, grouped and totaled by trainer.

    Class sheets - The "Association No" field for a horse is now listed along with Sire / Dam.

    Entry Invoice Payers report (under reports explorer / show / entries) now group into two groups
    One group with entries that have an email or cell number and the other group where entries have no email or cell number specified.
    It is not possible to send mobile invoices for entries that do not have an email or mobile number specified for the payer.

    Show analysis reports will now display $0.00 even if there is no prize money credit (applied against) invoices.

    Suspect Payee Tax Numbers, and Suspect Payee Tax Numbers By Show Year (Global report) now include all non barn account entries regardless if they have received prize money or not.

    Show Manager:
    The "Printed" checkbox flag for invoices has been repurposed and renamed to "eBill Sent".
    When checked, this indicates you have sent the invoice for mobile payment at least once to the payer.

    New column added to Entries list - "Payer Mobile".
    This column is the Payer's mobile number recorded in the entry record.

    USEF validation:
    A person will now be considered suspended if their USEF suspension status is either "YES" or "MED"
    HSS will truncate horse heights where USEF reports a plus sign at the end if the height in hands instead of displaying blank.

    HSS  June 21, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0619
    Changes and Notes
    Finance menu:

    Export Invoices to PDF (NEW):
    Use this feature to create PDF files containing invoices.
    For example, you could use this to send all invoices to a trainer for review.
    • Group invoices by Trainer (Default), Owner, Payer, or Stable with trainer
    • Include (default) or exclude $0.00 balance invoices.
    • A tab delimited text file is included with the export providing the person’s email address associated with each PDF.
    • Convenience fee is NOT included on the invoices.

    • Attendees at show report now lists and sorts people by Lastname, Firstname instead of Firstname, Lastname
      This is useful when comparing the people list to other reports like the Waivers list.

    HorseShowsOnline menu:

    View and print entry forms:
    • We have added a new button “View Selected (Current Info)” to the “HorseShowsOnline / View and print entry forms” screen.
      This will generate the entry form based on the current entry information instead of the original PDF that was submitted to the show.
    HSS  June 16, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0615
    Changes and Notes

    New features in HSS and HorseShowsOnline to help with new USEF regulations and social distancing.

    Send SMS Text messages to exhibitors from multiple places in HSS.
    Send to a single person, everyone in the show, everyone in a class, any combination of owners, riders, trainers.

    Send invoices to exhibitors for checkout / payment using the new HSOmobile web application.
    HSS will send invoices you select to the designated payer for the entry via email and text message.  
    The exhibitor will receive a link in the email / text message that takes them to the mobile checkout page at HSOmobile.
    This is intended to help you reduce the number of people visiting you office during checkout and to make checkout more convenient for exhbitors. 

    New HSOmobile web app for phones and tablets.
    Exhibitors can use their phone to check on show details, class information, class schedules, entry schedules, course layouts

    The new HSOmobile web app is specifically designed for use on phones and other small devices.
    Exhibitors can more easily follow the show, schedule, and even use HSOmobile for paying their bill at checkout time if you decide to send invoices for mobile payment.

    HSOmobile can be accessed by any device at: https://mobile.horseshowsonline.com

    No installation is required, just browse to HSOmobile with any device.

    New show management features at HorseShowsOnline.
    As a show manager you have access to online tools at HorseShowsOnline.
    Access show management for a show from the "HorseShowsOnline" menu in HSS, OR by going to Member Services at HSO, selecting "Shows I Manage" from the user menu, and then selecting the "Manage" link for the show you want to manage.

    Course Layouts - upload course layouts for your show.  
    Course layouts are PDF files containing the course layout for a ring / date. 
    Course layouts you upload will be listed in the ring schedule for the day/ring you specify.  
    Exhibitors will see a thumbnail of the layout and can click the download link to view the full size PDF of the layout.
    Course layouts are viewable at HSO as well as HSOmobile web app.

    USEF LIability Waivers
    HSO provides a wizard that lets show participants (Owners, Rider, Trainers, Coaches, Staff, Volunteers etc) submit a signed USEF liability waiver to your show.
    The wizard is available to shows set with the "Governing Body" set to "USEF" in the show's properties.  
    A link is displayed on the show's detail page at HSO for waiver submission.
    You can download waivers submitted to your show directly in HSS on the "HorseShowsOnline" menu in HSS OR on the "Waivers" tab in show management at HSO.
    You will receive email notifications at the Show's email address when new waivers have been submitted to the show.

    QR Codes
    You can print a sheet you can post at the show that displays large QR codes.
    Exhibitors can use the camera on their phone to quickly navigate to the show's page at HSO or at HSOmobile just by pointing their camera at the QRcode.
    Generate the QR code page printout on the "QR codes" tab in show management at HSO.

    HSS changes in more detail:

    Entry Editor:
    New fields to record online payer fields and logic to entry editor.
    The Payer identifies the name, email, and SMS phone number that invoices will be sent to if you send invoices for payment via HSO.
    For online entries, this information should be included in new online entries.
    Buttons are provided to choose the information from an existing owner record, the current owner, current trainer, or current payee fields in the entry record

    New checkbox “Account Locked”
    This new checkbox lets you flag an account that needs attention. 
    The check mark is for your reference only and does not apply any additional logic to the entry. 
    Accounts that are flagged as “locked” are shown in yellow in the list of entries in show manager.

    Finance Menu:

    Send invoices by email and text (NEW)
    For optimum delivery we strongly recommend you setup SMS texting to ensure exhibitors receive their invoice notifications.
    Email can be problematic when a user doesn't check their mail or their mail provider considers invoice notifications as spam.
    See the section on SMS messaging regarding setting up text services at Twilio.com
    • This feature sends invoices for selected entries to HSO for transmission to the designated Payer for the entry.
    • The payer will be notified by email and text message that invoices are ready for payment including a link to HSOmobile.
    • The payer can review the invoices using HSOmobile and pay the balance by credit card.
    • The payment will be processed using the payment gateway associated with your show.
    • Upon payment a receipt is emailed to the payer.
    • You must import mobile payments into your HSS show database using the "Import mobile payments" function..

    Import mobile payments (NEW)
    • When a payment is made against an invoice you sent for mobile payment, the payment is processed on your payment gateway.  You need to import those payments into your HSS show database.
    • Use this function to import payments made using HSOmobile for invoices you have sent via HSO.
    • The payments you import will be recorded against the entries that were paid by the payer.

    HorseShowsOnline menu:

    Liability Waivers (NEW):
    • Management of USEF Liability waivers submitted to the Show or shows in the same show series.
    • Download the list of submitted waivers
    • Filter by already received or not. Default is only list waivers I haven’t flagged as received.
    • Print the list of information in the grid – the list of waiver names, roles, email etc.
    • Download the waivers in a single PDF file, view the PDF, and print it.
    • Set the “Received” flag for waivers so they don’t show up in the waivers list in the future. (IE: Only list waivers I haven’t already downloaded)

    Open Show Management at HSO (NEW):
    • Open a web browser and go to the show management page at HorseShowsOnline for the current show.
    • Login is required using the show owner's credentials.

    Invoices screen:
    • New button on Invoices screen: Send invoices by email and text

    Online entry settings:
    • New checkbox in online entry settings “Allow duplicate entries”.
      This informs HSO whether to let an exhibitor enter the same horse more than once in a show. Default is No (un-checked).
      Exhibitors often submit the same horse multiple times assuming that will change an entry they already submitted.  This causes problems with duplicates for the show secretary.
      Prevent submission of duplicate horse online entries by un-checking this setting on online entry settings.

    Online Entry Settings – USEF Agreement text.
    • The USEF standard agreement has been updated as per the May 2020 USEF agreement.
    • There is a small and large (10 point size) version. The content is the same in both agreements, only the size is different.
    • If you use the 10 point size it will cause your online entry forms to use a minimum of two pages. 
      Refer to USEF with respect to the size you must use. You are entirely responsible for the content of the agreement text. You can modify the content as desired in the text editor.

    SMS Text Messaging support:

    Show Properties - SMS Text support:
    • A new tab on Show properties "SMS" provides configuration settings for SMS Text processing.
    • SMS lets you send text messages to cell phones.
    • You will need a Twilio account to enable SMS text messaging support.
      Obtain a Twilio phone number, account SID and account token by creating an account at https://twilio.com
      SMS costs at Twilio are relatively inexpensive. At the time of writing, the cost is approximately $1 / month for a phone number and 3/4 cent per text message / recipient you send to.

    New “Messaging” menu added to the main HSS menu.
    • Use this for sending SMS text messages. You must have an SMS provider and credentials specified in show settings.
    • New “Send SMS messages” item on the Messaging menu. This screen lets you enter specific numbers and text to send to mobile phones.
    • New “Send SMS text to attendees” item on the Messaging menu. This screen lets you select the riders, owners, trainers in the show and the text to send to the selected people.
    • You can also filter the list to only those people in a certain class.

    New “Messaging” submenu added to show manager right-click popup menu.
    • Use this for sending an SMS text messages to the selected entry’s owner, trainer, or rider.

    New “Messaging” sub-menu added to Class results screen, right-click popup menu.
    • Use this for sending an SMS text messages to entries in the class: owner, trainer, or rider.

    New “Messaging” sub-menu right-click popup menu added to Classes list in show manager to send SMS message to exhibitors in the selected class.
    • Use this for sending an SMS text messages to entries in the class: owner, trainer, or rider.

    Class editor:

    New fields added to class editor to provide ring scheduler details so that HSS can more accurately compute the start times for the class and for entries in the class.
    • Minutes per ride and delay time after every specified number of rides to account for ring grooming.
    • This allows HSS to more accurately compute the start times of each class AND the start time of each entry in the class.

    • New report added to reports explorer / Show / Entries folder - Entry invoice payers
      This report lists all entries with the payer name, email address and mobile phone number.
      The payer information (email and SMS text) is used when sending invoices via HSO to exhibitors for mobile payment / checkout.

    • New report "Trainer Check-in" using a right click on an entry in show manager. 
      Use this report as a quick check that you have the necessary information recorded for each entry related to the trainer you right click on.

    Ring Scheduler and Class / Entry Scheduling:

    • Ring scheduler / Rings records have two new settings “Maintenance Minutes” and “Maintenance very N rides” to define how frequently maintenance is performed in the ring (EG: Drags) during classes and the number of minutes duration for the maintenance.
    • HSS will use these default values when computing the times for each entry in the schedule, automatically inserting the maintenance minutes after every N rides in the class’s order of go time schedule.
    • Unless overridden in a class these default values are used when computing the schedule.

    Ring schedule report updated.
    • The report lets you print the class schedule, and or the schedule for each entry in each class.
    • The report will automatically insert breaks within the class for “Drags” or ring maintenance that occurs after a predetermined number of riders. You set the drag time and how frequently to do a drag in each class’s record. If you don’t set this individually in each class, the drag time and frequency will default to the values you specified for the ring itself in ring scheduler.
    • The report provides numerous filters so that you can print for the entire show, a specific ring, a range of dates, or for a list of class numbers.
    • The prior report is still available from the Ring Scheduler screen on the reports menu – “Ring schedule – compact”. The compact report lists the schedule in the most compact format possible.

    Quickly print the entry schedule for a class with a right click on class in show manager on the Classes tab.
    • The entry schedule is based on the ring schedule and class settings.

    Show Manager:

    • Entries that have been flagged as "Locked" are highlighted in yellow.  
      This is an indicator that you have flagged the record as needing attention.
    • New right click options for sending SMS text messages
    • New right click "Print trainer check-in report"

    New Changes since 2020.0612

    SMS Text Messaging:
    Added new filter to “Send SMS to attendees” to exclude by default people where their related entries are not entered in any classes, the entry is Pending.
    Barn accounts are never excluded.

    Send invoices for mobile payment:
    Added two new columns “Has Unfinished Classes” and “Unfinished Class Count” to Send Mobile Invoices grid to help you determine if all classes for the entry have been closed indication prize money has been fully computed / applied against invoices.
    Group first by this column and then by payer, trainer or whatever is your preference to quickly break the list into finished / unfinished groups.

    Credit card receipt printing:
    HSS no longer auto-prints receipts when a credit card is processed.
    There is a "Print receipt" button on the screen when a card payment is processed successfully that can be used if you want to print a receipt.

    Invoices now include the "Payer" information in the invoice to section.
    This indicates who the mobile eBill will be sent to if you send invoices for mobile payment.

    Split and transfer fees:
    Fee splits are now coded with fee code "SPLIT" instead of "TRANSFER".
    This will help differentiate between transfers and fee splits on various reports.

    Reports Explorer / Show / Schedules / "Ring schedule - compact" report provides a compact report of the ring schedule including the option to select specific days to include in the report. T
    his is the same as the old version of the ring schedule.

    HSS  June 12, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0612
    Changes and Notes

    New features in HSS and HorseShowsOnline to help with new USEF regulations and social distancing.

    Send SMS Text messages to exhibitors from multiple places in HSS.
    Send to a single person, everyone in the show, everyone in a class, any combination of owners, riders, trainers.

    Send invoices to exhibitors for checkout / payment using the new HSOmobile web application.
    HSS will send invoices you select to the designated payer for the entry via email and text message. 
    The exhibitor will receive a link in the email / text message that takes them to the mobile checkout page at HSOmobile.
    This is intended to help you reduce the number of people visiting you office during checkout and to make checkout more convenient for exhbitors. 

    New HSOmobile web app for phones and tablets.
    Exhibitors can use their phone to check on show details, class information, class schedules, entry schedules, course layouts

    The new HSOmobile web app is specifically designed for use on phones and other small devices.
    Exhibitors can more easily follow the show, schedule, and even use HSOmobile for paying their bill at checkout time if you decide to send invoices for mobile payment.

    HSOmobile can be accessed by any device at: https://mobile.horseshowsonline.com

    No installation is required, just browse to HSOmobile with any device.

    New show management features at HorseShowsOnline.
    As a show manager you have access to online tools at HorseShowsOnline.
    Access show management for a show from the "HorseShowsOnline" menu in HSS, OR by going to Member Services at HSO, selecting "Shows I Manage" from the user menu, and then selecting the "Manage" link for the show you want to manage.

    Course Layouts - upload course layouts for your show. 
    Course layouts are PDF files containing the course layout for a ring / date.
    Course layouts you upload will be listed in the ring schedule for the day/ring you specify. 
    Exhibitors will see a thumbnail of the layout and can click the download link to view the full size PDF of the layout.
    Course layouts are viewable at HSO as well as HSOmobile web app.

    USEF LIability Waivers
    HSO provides a wizard that lets show participants (Owners, Rider, Trainers, Coaches, Staff, Volunteers etc) submit a signed USEF liability waiver to your show.
    The wizard is available to shows set with the "Governing Body" set to "USEF" in the show's properties. 
    A link is displayed on the show's detail page at HSO for waiver submission.
    You can download waivers submitted to your show directly in HSS on the "HorseShowsOnline" menu in HSS OR on the "Waivers" tab in show management at HSO.
    You will receive email notifications at the Show's email address when new waivers have been submitted to the show.

    QR Codes
    You can print a sheet you can post at the show that displays large QR codes.
    Exhibitors can use the camera on their phone to quickly navigate to the show's page at HSO or at HSOmobile just by pointing their camera at the QRcode.
    Generate the QR code page printout on the "QR codes" tab in show management at HSO.

    HSS changes in more detail:

    Entry Editor:
    New fields to record online payer fields and logic to entry editor.
    The Payer identifies the name, email, and SMS phone number that invoices will be sent to if you send invoices for payment via HSO.
    For online entries, this information should be included in new online entries.
    Buttons are provided to choose the information from an existing owner record, the current owner, current trainer, or current payee fields in the entry record

    New checkbox “Account Locked”
    This new checkbox lets you flag an account that needs attention.
    The check mark is for your reference only and does not apply any additional logic to the entry.
    Accounts that are flagged as “locked” are shown in yellow in the list of entries in show manager.

    Finance Menu:

    Send invoices by email and text (NEW)
    For optimum delivery we strongly recommend you setup SMS texting to ensure exhibitors receive their invoice notifications.
    Email can be problematic when a user doesn't check their mail or their mail provider considers invoice notifications as spam.
    See the section on SMS messaging regarding setting up text services at Twilio.com
    • This feature sends invoices for selected entries to HSO for transmission to the designated Payer for the entry.
    • The payer will be notified by email and text message that invoices are ready for payment including a link to HSOmobile.
    • The payer can review the invoices using HSOmobile and pay the balance by credit card.
    • The payment will be processed using the payment gateway associated with your show.
    • Upon payment a receipt is emailed to the payer.
    • You must import mobile payments into your HSS show database using the "Import mobile payments" function..

    Import mobile payments (NEW)
    • When a payment is made against an invoice you sent for mobile payment, the payment is processed on your payment gateway.  You need to import those payments into your HSS show database.
    • Use this function to import payments made using HSOmobile for invoices you have sent via HSO.
    • The payments you import will be recorded against the entries that were paid by the payer.

    HorseShowsOnline menu:

    Liability Waivers (NEW):
    • Management of USEF Liability waivers submitted to the Show or shows in the same show series.
    • Download the list of submitted waivers
    • Filter by already received or not. Default is only list waivers I haven’t flagged as received.
    • Print the list of information in the grid – the list of waiver names, roles, email etc.
    • Download the waivers in a single PDF file, view the PDF, and print it.
    • Set the “Received” flag for waivers so they don’t show up in the waivers list in the future. (IE: Only list waivers I haven’t already downloaded)

    Open Show Management at HSO (NEW):
    • Open a web browser and go to the show management page at HorseShowsOnline for the current show.
    • Login is required using the show owner's credentials.

    Invoices screen:
    • New button on Invoices screen: Send invoices by email and text

    Online entry settings:
    • New checkbox in online entry settings “Allow duplicate entries”.
      This informs HSO whether to let an exhibitor enter the same horse more than once in a show. Default is No (un-checked).
      Exhibitors often submit the same horse multiple times assuming that will change an entry they already submitted.  This causes problems with duplicates for the show secretary.
      Prevent submission of duplicate horse online entries by un-checking this setting on online entry settings.

    Online Entry Settings – USEF Agreement text.
    • The USEF standard agreement has been updated as per the May 2020 USEF agreement.
    • There is a small and large (10 point size) version. The content is the same in both agreements, only the size is different.
    • If you use the 10 point size it will cause your online entry forms to use a minimum of two pages.
      Refer to USEF with respect to the size you must use. You are entirely responsible for the content of the agreement text. You can modify the content as desired in the text editor.

    SMS Text Messaging support:

    Show Properties - SMS Text support:
    • A new tab on Show properties "SMS" provides configuration settings for SMS Text processing.
    • SMS lets you send text messages to cell phones.
    • You will need a Twilio account to enable SMS text messaging support.
      Obtain a Twilio phone number, account SID and account token by creating an account at https://twilio.com
      SMS costs at Twilio are relatively inexpensive. At the time of writing, the cost is approximately $1 / month for a phone number and 3/4 cent per text message / recipient you send to.

    New “Messaging” menu added to the main HSS menu.
    • Use this for sending SMS text messages. You must have an SMS provider and credentials specified in show settings.
    • New “Send SMS messages” item on the Messaging menu. This screen lets you enter specific numbers and text to send to mobile phones.
    • New “Send SMS text to attendees” item on the Messaging menu. This screen lets you select the riders, owners, trainers in the show and the text to send to the selected people.
    • You can also filter the list to only those people in a certain class.

    New “Messaging” submenu added to show manager right-click popup menu.
    • Use this for sending an SMS text messages to the selected entry’s owner, trainer, or rider.

    New “Messaging” sub-menu added to Class results screen, right-click popup menu.
    • Use this for sending an SMS text messages to entries in the class: owner, trainer, or rider.

    New “Messaging” sub-menu right-click popup menu added to Classes list in show manager to send SMS message to exhibitors in the selected class.
    • Use this for sending an SMS text messages to entries in the class: owner, trainer, or rider.

    Class editor:

    New fields added to class editor to provide ring scheduler details so that HSS can more accurately compute the start times for the class and for entries in the class.
    • Minutes per ride and delay time after every specified number of rides to account for ring grooming.
    • This allows HSS to more accurately compute the start times of each class AND the start time of each entry in the class.

    • New report added to reports explorer / Show / Entries folder - Entry invoice payers
      This report lists all entries with the payer name, email address and mobile phone number.
      The payer information (email and SMS text) is used when sending invoices via HSO to exhibitors for mobile payment / checkout.

    • New report "Trainer Check-in" using a right click on an entry in show manager. 
      Use this report as a quick check that you have the necessary information recorded for each entry related to the trainer you right click on.

    Ring Scheduler and Class / Entry Scheduling:

    • Ring scheduler / Rings records have two new settings “Maintenance Minutes” and “Maintenance very N rides” to define how frequently maintenance is performed in the ring (EG: Drags) during classes and the number of minutes duration for the maintenance.
    • HSS will use these default values when computing the times for each entry in the schedule, automatically inserting the maintenance minutes after every N rides in the class’s order of go time schedule.
    • Unless overridden in a class these default values are used when computing the schedule.

    Ring schedule report updated.
    • The report lets you print the class schedule, and or the schedule for each entry in each class.
    • The report will automatically insert breaks within the class for “Drags” or ring maintenance that occurs after a predetermined number of riders. You set the drag time and how frequently to do a drag in each class’s record. If you don’t set this individually in each class, the drag time and frequency will default to the values you specified for the ring itself in ring scheduler.
    • The report provides numerous filters so that you can print for the entire show, a specific ring, a range of dates, or for a list of class numbers.
    • The prior report is still available from the Ring Scheduler screen on the reports menu – “Ring schedule – compact”. The compact report lists the schedule in the most compact format possible.

    Quickly print the entry schedule for a class with a right click on class in show manager on the Classes tab.
    • The entry schedule is based on the ring schedule and class settings.

    Show Manager:

    • Entries that have been flagged as "Locked" are highlighted in yellow. 
      This is an indicator that you have flagged the record as needing attention.
    • New right click options for sending SMS text messages
    • New right click "Print trainer check-in report"

    HSS  May 22, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0430
    Changes and Notes
    Class Renumbering wizard:
    New find / replace option lets you find and replace text in all class names.

    Show Manager:
    New report "Trainer Check In report"
    This report is accessed by right clicking on the entry in show manager.
    The report will list the entry, horse, payee, payer and payment method information for each entry related to the "Stable with trainer" of the selected entry.
    The report can be provided to the trainer so they can verify the information is correct and to provide any missing information.
    The Payer mobile phone number and email address are required if you plan to use self-checkout.
    The Payer contact information is used to notify the Payer when their bill is ready for payment / checkout.

    Show Properties:
    Resolved issue where under certain conditions a problem saving the show record occured due to too many fields during update.

    Show Properties - SMS Text support:
    A new tab on Show properties "SMS" provides configuration settings for SMS Text processing.
    SMS lets you send text messages to cell phones.
    You will need a Twilio account.
    Obtain a Twilio phone number, account SID and acccount token by creating an account at https://twilio.com
    HSS  April 20, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0420
    Changes and Notes
    • Credit card settings:
      Field length for PIN for Virtual Merchant (Elavon) extended from 50 to 100 characters.
    • Reports
      • Barn accounts by trainer (NEW):
        Added new report to Reports\Show\Entries to list barn accounts sorted by trainer.
      • Reports - Ring schedule:
        When ring schedule is printed and includes class start time, under saddle classes that have no entries will not increment the next start time.
    HSS  March 02, 2020   Version: 3.2020.0302
    Changes and Notes

    A new update packed with new features that you have been asking for!
    Make sure you read about the new Show Manager split and transfer invoice balance feature below.

    • Class results screen:
      The "Entries Competed" and "Entries" completed automatic counts are now displayed.
      These are the values that will be submitted in USEF results export if you leave the override values at -1
    • Class results screen - Results Entry (NEW):
      A new button "Results Entry" in the class results screen provides a new and efficient way to quickly enter class results.
      The screen provides two tabs: "All Entries" and "Input Entries and Results"
      The ALL ENTRIES tab lists all entries and allows you to directly edit placing, faults, times, score and percentage.
      The INPUT ENTRIES AND RESULTS tab lists only entries with results AND lets you quickly type the entry number and provide results for that entry.
      Options are provided to print and export the results.
      Result changes you apply are copied into the main class results screen.
    • Class Renumbering and Renaming Wizard – Update multiple class numbers all at once (NEW):
      A new wizard is available on the main HSS "Data" menu named "Class renumber and bulk edit".
      This wizard lets you change the class numbers and class names for multiple classes all at once.
    • Division editor:
      Added new field and button on “Class defaults” tab to set the ribbons value for all classes in the division.

    • Entry Editor Prize payee changes (NEW):
      The old “Payee is Owner” checkbox has been replaced with a drop down list of all owner records.
      Choose any owner as the payee, OR choose “Manual Entry” to manually enter the payee information and not link it to any owner.
      Edit or Create a new owner to use as the Payee Owner.
      Quickly select the current owner as the Payee owner.
      Payee fields that are empty are highlighted in pink to bring your attention to missing payee fields.
      If the payee owner record is edited, any applicable fields will be update in all show entry records that use that owner records as the payee.
    • Entry Editor Prize payee changes (NEW):

      • New checkbox flag added "Exclude from fee splits".
        This checkbox indicates whether the entry should be include or excluded in the list of entries automatically loaded in the when using the NEW "Split and transfer invoice balance" feature.

      • Owner, Rider, Trainer drop down fields will display "($cc)" in the trainer name text if the person has an unexpired payment method saved in their account.
        This helps you easily see if you have a credit card on file that is available for billing against.
        This does not include any card that was included with an online entry, as it is assume a card was provided with the entry if you required that in your show's online entry settings.

    • Entry Editor / Classes tab:
      Two new text fields "ADD" and "SCRATCH" allow you to enter a list of entry numbers AND/OR entry number ranges separated by commas, spaces, or a slash (/) of classes to add or scratch for the entry.
      Example: 2,4,6,100-103,22,40-43
      In this example HSS will add (or scratch) the entry in classes 2 4 6 101 102 103 22 40 41 42 43
      Enter your list and then click ENTER on the keyboard to apply the class entry changes.
      NOTE: You can use spaces or a slash instead of commas between the entry numbers and ranges. A slash may be more convenient if using a numeric keypad.
      Example: 2/4/6/100-103/22/40-43
    • Entry Editor / Fees tab:
    • Attempting to delete a fee will pop up a warning that it is probably better to add a new negative fee to reverse the fee rather than losing the details of prior fee charges.
    • A New button on “Fees” tab of entry editor lets you view the Fee split and transfer history for the entry.
      When you use the "Split and transfer invoice balances" feature in show manager, a PDF copy of the details of the transfer are recorded.
    • Invoice Printing – Split charges by rider (NEW):
      Tired of manually calculating the per rider costs on an invoice?
      Turn on the show option to include rider charge splits on invoices. This checkbox is on the “Options” tab in show properties.
      For entries that have multiple riders entered in different classes invoices now include a new "Charge Splits By Rider" section.
      This is helpful for shows where an exhibitor only wants to pay their portion of the invoice and saves the show secretary from having to manually calculate the charge splits for each rider.

      A new checkbox in Show Properties on the Options tab lets you enable / disable printing of rider splits on invoices.
      The default is off (IE: Do not include the rider splits section on invoices).
      The "Charge Splits By Rider" section of the invoice provides a breakdown of charges by rider.
      Each rider will show the "Shared charges", "Division/Class entry charges", and "Prize money applied credits"
      Shared charges:
      The amount for any non class or division entry fees. This amount is equally divided amongst all riders.
      Division/Class entry charges:
      The entry fee amount (plus taxes if applicable) specific to the classes entered by the rider. 
      The amount deducted from the rider's charges for any prize money the rider won in a class the rider entered that was applied against the invoice, assuming the show is configured to "Apply prize money against invoices" in show properties.
    • Invoice Printing – Barn account charge summary (NEW):
      Invoices to barn accounts have a new section that summarizes the total quantity and amount of each fee.
      This gives you the total quantity for each item billed: EG: STALLS, FEED etc.
    • Owner records – Synchronizing payee information across all entries for a payee (NEW):
      When you edit an owner record, HSS will sync any changed payee information across all entries that reference that owner record as the “Payee Owner”.
      This will ensure the Federal number (IE: SSN) and other payee fields are updated in all entry records simultaneously.
      Any show entry records that reference an owner record as the Payee Owner are automatically updated with the new payee field information in the owner record.
      This includes: First and Last name, Street, City, Prov/State, Postal/Zip, Country, Federal Number (SSN).
      The owner record change you save will update ALL entry records in ALL shows in the same database that reference the owner record as the payee.
    • Online Entry Settings:
      • Corrected problem with missing Country / ProvState picker field for Office address.
      • The default "max riders per entry" now defaults to zero (unlimited) instead of one when creating a new show.
    • Online entry and STALL Fees / HorseShowsOnline (NEW):
      Fees that are categorized as STALL fees in your show have a special behavior in the HorseShowsOnline online entry wizard.
      If you specify that ANY ONE of your STALL fees has a minimum required quantity then HSO will force the user to select a quantity of at least ONE from at least ONE of the stall fees in the show.
      This helps you ensure that an exhibitor selects at least one of your stall fees when creating an online entry.
      This only applies to STALL category fees.

    • Orders (Products and Orders):
      • Created date for orders can now be edited.
      • When creating an order, you can record a remark with each item (like delivery ticket number) that will be listed on the various order transaction reports.
        This is helpful if you want to reconcile your orders/billing with deliveries to exhibitors by feed / bedding vendors.
    • Products:
      • When posting an inventory adjustment, a date edit field lets you specify the date the adjustment should be posted under.

      • A new tab "Order transactions" added to the "Products" screen.
        This lets you review and manage the dates that product transactions (IE: Order shipments) were processed.
        The various product transaction reports base the quantities shipped by date etc on the date an item was processed.
        Use this feature to adjust the transaction dates when you need to adjust when a transaction occurred.
        Product transactions and order transactions can now be selected and deleted.

      • The current on-hand (In stock) quantity for each item is listed in the products screen.
        The quantity on hand is computed across all shows in the show series.
        This is important for multi-week shows so that you can track your overall product inventory across all weeks.
    • Reports - New report "Barn Accounts":
      This report is found in reports explorer in folder "Show\Entries\Barn accounts". The report lists all active entries that are flagged as barn accounts.
    • Reports - New report "Fee Quantity Cross Tab Summary - All Shows":
      This report is found in reports explorer in folder "Global"
      This cross tab report lists the totals of each fee quantity charged to entries grouped and summarized by fee code and show for each show in the database.
    • Reports - Revised report "Feed Bedding Shaving":
      This report is found in reports explorer in folder "Show\Financial"
      The report now groups by entry. The report lists feed, bedding, shaving category fees charged to entries grouped and summarized by entry.
    • Reports - New report "Feed Bedding Shaving by Stable With Trainer":
      This report is found in reports explorer in folder "Show\Financial".
      The report lists feed, bedding, shaving category fees charged to entries grouped and summarized by stable with trainer.
    • Reports - New report "Order delivery details by entry and order":
      This report is found in reports explorer in folder "Show\Entries\Products and Orders"
      The report lists product deliveries grouped by entry and order number.
      Orders that still have an outstanding quantity that has not been delivered are highlighted in red.
    • Reports - New report "Order delivery details by entry and product":
      This report is found in reports explorer in folder "Show\Entries\Products and Orders"
      The report lists product deliveries grouped by entry and product and sorted by order number.
      Orders that still have an outstanding quantity that has not been delivered are highlighted in red.
    • Reports - Product transactions by day report is renamed to Product transactions by day and product.:
      Transactions are grouped / summarized by transaction date, product.
    • Reports - New report "Product transactions by product and day":
      Transactions are grouped / summarized by Product, transaction date.
    • Reports - New report "Production transactions summary – show series":
      This report lists all product transactions across all shows in the same show series.
      The "Show series" is a field in each show's show properties that you can use to identify multi-week shows that are related.
      Transactions are grouped / summarized by Product, Show, transaction date.
    • Reports: Judges cards – non jumper:
      Two new boxes labelled "Competed (entered)" and "Completed (finished)" are printed at the top right of the report to allow judges to write in the appropriate values.
      This helps to address the USEF requirement to report the number of entries in the class and the number of entries that completed (finished).
      HSS has corresponding fields in the class results screen that are automatically computed but can be overridden with manual values if needed.
    • Reports: Labels - Attendees at show:
      A new pick list in reports explorer lets you select the show attendees you want to print labels for.
      Select all, none, or any random selection by using CTRL-CLICK or SHIFT-CLICK in the grid row selector to choose the people to include.
      This lets you select just a few labels instead of printing labels for all attendees. Perfect for targeted mailings or other purposes.
    • Scoreboard Import NEW – Import scoreboard results from Pyramid Timing / EquestrianLive:
      HSS scoreboard import (on the class results screen) now supports "Import from Pyramid Timing Web" as a scoreboard import type.
      This allows you to import scoreboard class results that have been posted to Pyramid Web's system (equestrianlive.com)
      You will need to specify the show number in the scoreboard import wizard for your show in order for Pyramid’s system to return the correct information.
      Scoreboard import will provide a preview of the results that will be recorded and allow you to edit those results prior to saving.
      • How to determine Pyramid Timing’s "Show ID" for your show:
        • With a web browser, Go to http://equestrianlive.com/shows
        • Find your show and click the "+" button to see the classes.
        • Click on any class to see the results
        • In the web browser's address bar, look for the "showid=" text in the address.
        • Your ShowID is the number after the equal sign.
        • Example address: http://equestrianlive.com/class.php?showid=4859&classid=23466&HorJ=J
        • In this example, the "ShowID" is 4859
        • Record that number for your show.
        • You only need to do this once so that you can provide it to the HSS scoreboard import when prompted.
        • HSS will remember that show id until you change it.

    • Scoreboard Import NEW - Import scoreboard results from Ryegate Web:
      HSS scoreboard import (on the class results screen) now supports " Ryegate Web" as a scoreboard import type.
      This allows you to import class results that have been posted to Ryegate’s web site (ryegate.com)
      You will need to specify the show number in the scoreboard import wizard for your show.
      Ryegate uses the show's USEF competition number on their web api.
      Scoreboard import will provide a preview of the results that will be recorded and allow you to edit those results prior to saving.
    • Show Editor - New setting for including Rider charge splits on invoices:
      A new checkbox “Show rider splits on invoices” in Show Properties on the Options tab lets you enable / disable printing of rider splits on invoices.
      The default is off (IE: Do not include the rider splits section on invoices).
      The rider splits information on invoices lists the overall invoice charges apportioned to each rider based on the classes entered by each rider and shared costs.
      The section is only printed if this option is enabled, AND when there are multiple riders on the same entry.
    • Show Manager - Split and transfer invoice balance to related entries (NEW):
      Quickly split and transfer Trainer or Barn account invoices to related entries.
      This is a HUGE time and effort saver. No more need to manually calculate and enter invoices splits the hard way.
      A new feature "Split Invoice Balance to Other Entries" lets you split the invoice balance of the selected entry and transfer the balance to other entries.
      The Split and Transfer invoice balance feature provides a very efficient way to split and transfer the invoice balance of a “source” entry across multiple related entries.
      Typically this feature would be used to transfer the balance due on a barn account or trainer account to entries related to the barn account by the Stable With Trainer.

      Access the Split Balance feature by clicking the "Split Balance to Other Entries" button
      OR by right clicking an entry and selecting the "Split invoice balance and transfer to other entries" menu item.

      The Invoice Split screen will automatically load and select all entries related to the source entry.
      The default amount to split is the current invoice balance due for the source entry.
      You can override this amount.You can also view and select specific invoice charges to split and transfer on the source entry instead of the total invoice balance.
      Alternatively you can specify the amount you want to leave on the source entry and HSS will compute the net amount to split.
      Additional entries can be added by entering the entry number(s) separated by commas in the “Entries to Add” field.
      The split amount is automatically divided evenly across each entry as you select / deselect entries.
      You can manually enter amounts for each entry if necessary.
      New Entry specific fee records (IE: Not a global fee) are added to each entry. The Fee Code is “TRANSFER”.
      For target entries (the ones you are splitting to) the fee description will be entry number the amount was transferred from EG: “SPLIT FROM: 6”
      For the source entry (the one you are splitting from) the fee description will be entry number(s) the amount was transferred to EG: “SPLIT TO: 10,11,15”
      You can provide a 15 character "Description" that will also be added to the fee description posted to the source and target entries.
      Example if the description is "HAY", the descriptions would be “HAY SPLIT TO: 10,11,15” and “HAY SPLIT FROM: 6”
      A record of the split and transfer are archived in PDF format and saved in the “FeeSplits\ShowID” folder where the database is stored.
      View the split and transfer history from the Fees tab of an entry.
    • Optional splitting fee:
      HSS can add a splitting fee that will be split and incorporated into the amount transferred to the target entries.
      The splitting fee can be based on simply rounding each entry’s split amount up to the next round dollar, OR you can specify a specific amount.
      When a splitting fee is used, the source entry (Barn / Trainer account) will have a special fee code “*SPLITFEE” that will be the amount of the split fee applied.
      The *SPLITFEE charge will NOT be listed on the invoice, it gets applied to the amount split, but it WILL show up on various reports like the Fee Analysis report so that you know how much you earned from splitting fees.
      The *SPLITFEE amount ensures the source entry does not accrue a credit due to the negative SPLIT TO fee that includes the amount transferred.
      Target entry invoices will NOT see the splitting fee - it is incorporated into the overall TRANSFER amount that is added to their invoice.
    • Show Manager - New report "Trainer Fee Split Form":
      The report generates a form that can be completed by trainers / barn accounts to specify their preferences for how invoice fees should be split to entries related by the same Stable With Trainer.
      Access the report by right clicking on an entry in show manager and choose "Trainer fee split form".

    HSS  November 27, 2019   Version: 3.2019.1111
    Changes and Notes
    This version is required for USEF 2020 Results, effective Dec 1, 2019

    Champ Chart:
    A bonus class will now list the asterisk ("*") beside the class number even if there are no results reported in the class.

    Circuit points Equitation report:
    "AHSA" changed to "USEF". AHSA was the former acronym used by USEF.

    Class results report:
    The "Number of entries that finished" is the number of entries that were not scratched and were not withdrawn, retired, or eliminated when automatically computed, OR the
    manually entered value of "Entries that finished" in the class results screen if a value was manually entered.

    Jump order FEI reports:
    Wrapping of extremely long horse names will now not over-type lines below the horse name
    Lines on the report are now black to improve visibility when photo-copying

    Online entry processing:
    Horse color import is now limited to the first 30 characters.

    Online entry processing:
    The coggins date provided with online entries is no longer applied to horse records when accepting an online entry.
    Show secretaries should validate Coggins documents and information directly at the show.

    USEF Person Lookup:
    A new field "USEF Search Date" lets you override the default date (show start date) that is used when querying USEF for the person's status.

    USEF Results Export:
    • USEF results export updated for USEF 2020 results template effective Dec 1, 2019.
    • The 2020 USEF results template adds two new columns, Number Competed and Number Completed.
      • Number Competed is the total number of entries in the class minus the number of scratched entries in the class
      • Number Completed is the total number of entries in the class, minus the number of scratched entries, minus the count of entries that were Retired, Withdrawn, or Eliminated.
      • You can manually override either of these values and directly input the values in the class results screen for the class.

    HSS  October 21, 2019   Version: 3.2019.1021
    Changes and Notes

    Update for new USEF API changes.  You will need this in order to do USEF lookups as of October 21, 2019

    Prior changes in version 2019.1003:

    Champ Chart Tool:
    • The TOPN values on the champ chart report will now be suppressed if the option "Do not print column subtotals on report".
      The assumption when printing with this option is that the division is not yet finished and therefore final computations should not be done, and space should be left for judges to write in values.
    • The TOPN value will now default to zero for all Non-Hunter divisions. For Hunter Divisions TopN will default to 4.
    • When the "California Split" option is selected, the TOPN value for HUNTER divisions will be automatically set to 8 instead of 4.
    • Results will be auto-computed when changing most settings.
    • Champ chart report now includes the points values specified in the champ chart tool.
    • Champ chart report now flags classes that use "Bonus points" with an asterisk in the class number column heading.

    Cheque printing:
    Cheque printing now ensures the cheque number is right justified within a 15 character field to ensure sorting is applied numerically and behaves as expected when the order of magnitude of the cheque number increases (EG: 99, 99, 100 will sort correctly)

    Class Editor:
    When using "Update and New" the prize group will default to either the default prize group defined for the class's division, and if none, then the prize group defined in the previous class that was just edited.

    Combine Divisions and Classes (NEW):
    Use this wizard to move all entries in source classes to destination classes.
    The wizard lets you specify the target division, then the source classes you want to move into the target division.
    You will specify the
    The wizard provides the following steps:
    Step 1: Select the destination division you will be moving class entries to. This determines the classes that will be available to move entries to.
    Step 2: For each class you want to combine into a class in the Target division's classes, specify the class within the target division to move the entries to.
    Step 3: Specify the modified name of the target class(es) that were selected in step 2. HSS Automatically appends "(Combined)" to the target class names.
    Step 4: Process the entries. HSS will move all entries in the source classes to the specified target class.

    When entries are moved from the source to target class, information copied for each entry includes:
    The USEF Section code of the source class, USEF Derby section if specified in results screen, Jumper height of the source class OR fence height specified in the source class results, and Circuit points division.

    Credit Cards - (NEW) Save credit cards for people:
    • HSS has a new feature to let you safely tokenize, encrypt and save credit card payment methods in people records.
    • Tokenized cards are treated just like the tokenized Ecommerce cards used with Online Entries.
    • When you save a credit card in a person’s record the card information is safely converted to an encrypted token.
    • NO raw credit card information is saved to the database, just the encrypted token and the last 4 digits and expiry of the card.
    • Because the card information is saved to a person’s record, it is available for use in all shows within the same database.
    • Person Editor has a new tab "Payment Methods" that lists cards that have been saved for the person and buttons to let you add a new card and to delete (redact) existing cards for the person.
    • When you process a credit card payment from the Payment entry screen or from a the Payments tab in Entry editor, the list of Ecommerce cards will include the credit card received with the online entry AND all available cards that are related to owner, trainer, or rider records related to the entries being paid.
    • A valid and active Ecommerce subscription is required to tokenize and save payment methods (credit cards) to person records.
    • Saved Ecommerce card payments are processed through your “Ecommerce” web gateway - the same as payments processed with a vaulted card provided with an online entry.

    Entry Editor:
    • On the "Classes" tab, pressing ALT-I or ALT-i will place focus on the "Default rider" dropdown and drop the list to allow quick selection of the default rider.
    • On the "Fees" tab, pressing the "Reset all fees to zero quantity" button will now prompt the user to confirm this is truly what they want to do.

    Fee editor:
    • Fees can now be deleted if the following is true: No entries exist in the show AND the show has NOT been published to HorseShowsOnline.
    • Update and Close, and Update and New are now supported.

    Fee Entry:
    • New checkbox (default is un-checked) in the fee entry screen to limit bulk changes to only those entries you select in the entry list.
    • Select entries in the list by swiping the row selectors or randomly by using CTRL-Click on the row selectors.

    FEI Results export:
    • FEI results export now maps HSS fault codes as follows (Consistent with USEF results export): 99=Eliminated, 98=Retired, 97=Withdrawn.
    • A scratched entry will also be recorded as "Withdrawn".
    • The FEI codes are el, ret, and wd

    Payment Entry:
    • Convenience fee can now be computed and applied for manual entries as well as direct credit card payments.
    • The default convenience fee percentage is defined in the show's properties.
    • You can override the default percentage in the payment entry screen if needed.
    • When using manual entry, the convenience fee is computed and applied when you select any of the credit card options in the "Payment Type" drop down.

    Person Editor:
    • A new tab "Payment Methods" added.
      • The Payment Methods tab lists Payment methods (Credit cards) that you have tokenized and saved to the person's record.
      • Buttons let you add / delete payment methods.
      • These payment methods can be used during credit card payment processing
      • Tokenized payment methods are available for the person across all shows in the same database.

    USEF Changes:

    • USEF access is restricted to shows that have been registered. USEF lookups are not available unless the show has been registered.
    • USEF Horse Lookup / Validation displays all owners of the horse. If the owner is a Leasee of the horse, that will be shown.
    • USEF Horse Lookup / Validation displays the prior USEF status, Start and End date if reported by USEF.
    • USEF Competition status analyzer now lists all USEF owner names, ID, and ownership start dates for horses.
    • USEF Validation and lookups: Safe Sport Expired flag is now ignored for Farms / Organization entity types.
    • USEF bulk validation Now handles a null DOB for people.
    • USEF bulk validation and status analyzer:Improved performance for horse data lookup on large shows.
    • USEF Export:Columns for FEI, or USDF affiliate number for horse (Column T) , owner (Column AN) , rider (Column AE), trainer (Column AV) are now populated during USEF export.

    • Global circuit points - Hunter and Jumper modified to show circuit division code instead of internal ID in title.
    • Class entry counts - the report will now include classes that have no entries.
    • Class Sheets Compact - New section in header has places 1 through 12 to allow space for someone to write in placing information.
    • Class Sheets - Obsolete and redundant "Younger / Older" age field for riders has been removed. The "Show Age" field which is based on the "USEF Age" of the rider as of the show date remains unchanged.
    • Class Prize Money Entry Percentages - Added summary totals for each class type and report grand total summary.
    • Trainer Add/Scratch form - Only ACTIVE status entries are listed. PENDING entries are excluded.
    • Report "Show/General/Classes with no results" now groups the classes by scheduled date to more easily see which classes don't have any results posted for each day.

    Dressage Tests:
    • New 2019 FEI, USDF, and USEF dressage tests updated.
    • Improved error logging to Windows Application event log for diagnostics.

    HSS  October 10, 2019   Version: 3.2019.1003
    Changes and Notes
    Champ Chart Tool:
    • The TOPN values on the champ chart report will now be suppressed if the option "Do not print column subtotals on report".
      The assumption when printing with this option is that the division is not yet finished and therefore final computations should not be done, and space should be left for judges to write in values.
    • The TOPN value will now default to zero for all Non-Hunter divisions. For Hunter Divisions TopN will default to 4.
    • When the "California Split" option is selected, the TOPN value for HUNTER divisions will be automatically set to 8 instead of 4.
    • Results will be auto-computed when changing most settings.
    • Champ chart report now includes the points values specified in the champ chart tool.
    • Champ chart report now flags classes that use "Bonus points" with an asterisk in the class number column heading.

    Cheque printing:
    Cheque printing now ensures the cheque number is right justified within a 15 character field to ensure sorting is applied numerically and behaves as expected when the order of magnitude of the cheque number increases (EG: 99, 99, 100 will sort correctly)

    Class Editor:
    When using "Update and New" the prize group will default to either the default prize group defined for the class's division, and if none, then the prize group defined in the previous class that was just edited.

    Combine Divisions and Classes (NEW):
    Use this wizard to move all entries in source classes to destination classes.
    The wizard lets you specify the target division, then the source classes you want to move into the target division.
    You will specify the
    The wizard provides the following steps:
    Step 1: Select the destination division you will be moving class entries to. This determines the classes that will be available to move entries to.
    Step 2: For each class you want to combine into a class in the Target division's classes, specify the class within the target division to move the entries to.
    Step 3: Specify the modified name of the target class(es) that were selected in step 2. HSS Automatically appends "(Combined)" to the target class names.
    Step 4: Process the entries. HSS will move all entries in the source classes to the specified target class.

    When entries are moved from the source to target class, information copied for each entry includes:
    The USEF Section code of the source class, USEF Derby section if specified in results screen, Jumper height of the source class OR fence height specified in the source class results, and Circuit points division.

    Credit Cards - (NEW) Save credit cards for people:
    • HSS has a new feature to let you safely tokenize, encrypt and save credit card payment methods in people records.
    • Tokenized cards are treated just like the tokenized Ecommerce cards used with Online Entries.
    • When you save a credit card in a person’s record the card information is safely converted to an encrypted token.
    • NO raw credit card information is saved to the database, just the encrypted token and the last 4 digits and expiry of the card.
    • Because the card information is saved to a person’s record, it is available for use in all shows within the same database.
    • Person Editor has a new tab "Payment Methods" that lists cards that have been saved for the person and buttons to let you add a new card and to delete (redact) existing cards for the person.
    • When you process a credit card payment from the Payment entry screen or from a the Payments tab in Entry editor, the list of Ecommerce cards will include the credit card received with the online entry AND all available cards that are related to owner, trainer, or rider records related to the entries being paid.
    • A valid and active Ecommerce subscription is required to tokenize and save payment methods (credit cards) to person records.
    • Saved Ecommerce card payments are processed through your “Ecommerce” web gateway - the same as payments processed with a vaulted card provided with an online entry.

    Entry Editor:
    • On the "Classes" tab, pressing ALT-I or ALT-i will place focus on the "Default rider" dropdown and drop the list to allow quick selection of the default rider.
    • On the "Fees" tab, pressing the "Reset all fees to zero quantity" button will now prompt the user to confirm this is truly what they want to do.

    Fee editor:
    • Fees can now be deleted if the following is true: No entries exist in the show AND the show has NOT been published to HorseShowsOnline.
    • Update and Close, and Update and New are now supported.

    Fee Entry:
    • New checkbox (default is un-checked) in the fee entry screen to limit bulk changes to only those entries you select in the entry list.
    • Select entries in the list by swiping the row selectors or randomly by using CTRL-Click on the row selectors.

    FEI Results export:
    • FEI results export now maps HSS fault codes as follows (Consistent with USEF results export): 99=Eliminated, 98=Retired, 97=Withdrawn.
    • A scratched entry will also be recorded as "Withdrawn".
    • The FEI codes are el, ret, and wd

    Payment Entry:
    • Convenience fee can now be computed and applied for manual entries as well as direct credit card payments.
    • The default convenience fee percentage is defined in the show's properties.
    • You can override the default percentage in the payment entry screen if needed.
    • When using manual entry, the convenience fee is computed and applied when you select any of the credit card options in the "Payment Type" drop down.

    Person Editor:
    • A new tab "Payment Methods" added.
      • The Payment Methods tab lists Payment methods (Credit cards) that you have tokenized and saved to the person's record.
      • Buttons let you add / delete payment methods.
      • These payment methods can be used during credit card payment processing
      • Tokenized payment methods are available for the person across all shows in the same database.

    USEF Changes:

    • USEF access is restricted to shows that have been registered. USEF lookups are not available unless the show has been registered.
    • USEF Horse Lookup / Validation displays all owners of the horse. If the owner is a Leasee of the horse, that will be shown.
    • USEF Horse Lookup / Validation displays the prior USEF status, Start and End date if reported by USEF.
    • USEF Competition status analyzer now lists all USEF owner names, ID, and ownership start dates for horses.
    • USEF Validation and lookups: Safe Sport Expired flag is now ignored for Farms / Organization entity types.
    • USEF bulk validation Now handles a null DOB for people.
    • USEF bulk validation and status analyzer:Improved performance for horse data lookup on large shows.
    • USEF Export:Columns for FEI, or USDF affiliate number for horse (Column T) , owner (Column AN) , rider (Column AE), trainer (Column AV) are now populated during USEF export.

    • Global circuit points - Hunter and Jumper modified to show circuit division code instead of internal ID in title.
    • Class entry counts - the report will now include classes that have no entries.
    • Class Sheets Compact - New section in header has places 1 through 12 to allow space for someone to write in placing information.
    • Class Sheets - Obsolete and redundant "Younger / Older" age field for riders has been removed. The "Show Age" field which is based on the "USEF Age" of the rider as of the show date remains unchanged.
    • Class Prize Money Entry Percentages - Added summary totals for each class type and report grand total summary.
    • Trainer Add/Scratch form - Only ACTIVE status entries are listed. PENDING entries are excluded.
    • Report "Show/General/Classes with no results" now groups the classes by scheduled date to more easily see which classes don't have any results posted for each day.

    Dressage Tests:
    • New 2019 FEI, USDF, and USEF dressage tests updated.
    • Improved error logging to Windows Application event log for diagnostics.

    HSS  April 22, 2019   Version: 3.2019.0420
    Changes and Notes
    1099 printing:
    Alignment modified to match 2018 1099 forms.

    ASHA results export:
    Added Back# column (Entry number) and re-arranged columns as per revised ASHA results template.

    Class results screen:
    Entries that competed” has been moved from the class and prize settings tab to the main results tab.

    Class results screen has new field “Entries that finished” to record the number of entries that finished (completed) in the class.
    The default is -1.
    Leave the value at -1 to let HSS compute the number of entries that finished based on the total number of entries in the class minus number of scratched entries.
    This value is reported on the class results report.

    Class results report has new field in summary “Entries that finished”.
    This is the count of entries minus the count of scratched entries OR the value manually entered in the class results screen for “Entries that finished”.

    Class editor:
    • New field added for "Class Specification"
    • Use this field to associate a class specification record with the class.
    • Class specifications are master records in the database that provide a title and a multiline text field that can be used to describe the class in detail.
    • For example instructions on how the class will be shown, or special long instructions for judging.
    • Class specifications can be included on judges cards, class sheets and other reports.
    • Use the Data / Class specifications to manage the class specifications in the database.
    Class Specifications - New feature:
    • A new table has been added to record master class specification definitions.
    • Class specifications are master records in the database that provide a title and a multiline text field that can be used to describe a class in detail.
      For example instructions on how the class will be shown, or special long instructions for judging.
    • Use the Data / Class specifications to manage the class specifications in the database.
    • The Class specifications editor provides feature to add / edit / delete class specification records as well as generating a report of all specifications.
    • Class specifications can be included on judges cards and other reports.
    • When creating a new HSS database class specifications can be imported from another HSS database.
    Classes grid:
    The new "Class specification" field for classes is listed in the Classes grid.

    Credit card processing: General
    • Updated and simplified credit card payment processing setup so that required fields are specific to each processor platform (EG: VIRTUAL MERCHANT, AUTHORIZE.NET etc).
    • Added new credit card processing setting to select the type of card reader in use.
    • Except for TSYS, users should select “MagTek unencrypted keyboard mode”. Use MagTek model 21040109 USB unencrypted Keyboard mode reader.
    • For TSYS, users should set this to “MagTek DynaMag Encrypted HID mode”. Use MagTek model 21073075 USB encrypted HID mode reader keyed by TSYS.
    • TSYS users will need to acquire a properly keyed DynaMag card reader from their TSYS representative.  Encrypted DynaMag readers are specific to each merchant account.
    Credit card processing: Elavon / Converge changes
    • Payment processing credentials are now saved with the show - Account ID, User ID, and User PIN.
    • The User ID/ User PIN popup that previously was shown during the first payment has been eliminated.
    • Existing shows will need to update the Payment Processing settings for the show.
      Do this from File / Change Current Show Properties on the "Payment processing" tab.
      You need to enter your Account ID, User ID, and User PIN settings appropriate for your Elavon Retail account. 
      Contact your Elavon representative if you need assistance.
    Credit card processing: New card processor ECOMMERCE
    • Added new point of sale credit card processor ECOMMERCE.
    • This payment processor will use the same payment gateway that is configured for the show's HorseShowsOnline payment gateway.
    • This can be useful for users that do not have a traditional point of sale processor like Virtual Merchant (Elavon), Authorize.net etc.
    • Note the following when choosing to use ECOMMERCE for our payment processor:
    • You can still use a basic non encrypted MagTek model 21040109 card swiper to pre-fill the fields in the manual entry form.
    • Magnetic strip data is NOT submitted to the payment processor.
    • Credit card fees are usually lower if you use one of the supported Point Of Sale processor options like (Virtual Merchant (Elavon))
    Credit card processing: New card processor TSYS
    • Added new point of sale credit card processor TSYS.
    Credit card processing: Convenience Fee NEW FEATURE
    • Convenience Fees can be automatically calculated and charged in the payment entry screen.
    • New fields have been added to the show properties / payment processing tab to define the default convenience fee percentage and whether the convenience fee is subject to tax1 and/or tax 2.
    • The convenience fee is only applicable when processing a credit card payment.
    • The payment screen provides a field to modify the default convenience fee percentage. Set the value to 0 if you don't want to charge the fee to the payee during credit card processing.
    • When a convenience fee is charged, it will be listed on entry invoice(s) as code "*CC-CONVFEE" and will list the amount the fee was based on.
    • A "*CC-CONVFEE" fee will be listed each time a credit card payment is made against an entry and the fee is charged.
    • The convenience fee will NOT be listed on an invoice until a successful credit card payment is processed.
    Data export - Added "TIN Export by person".
    • This new export will export a TIN (Tax Id number) TXT file that can be submitted to IRS for checking SSN numbers.
    • This feature is available from the "Export" menu in HSS.
    • The file is based on all people in the current show.
    • More information on this file format can be found at the IRS site: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p2108a.pdf
    Entry editor - Fees tab:
    New button added to allow resetting all fee quantities to zero.

    Entry editor:
    Coggins and Vaccine warning colour is now based on the show start date rather than the current date.

    Entry editor - Classes tab:
    New buttons let you add the current owner or current trainer as Rider for the entry. No need to go to the Riders tab.
    New button "Apply rider to selected classes" lets you change the rider on multiple classes to the currently selected rider.

    Equine Canada:
    Updated internet connection to use licence.equestrian.ca instead of discontinued licence.equinecanada.ca (Effective May 2019)

    Equine Canada: 
    Person and Horse lookups now highlight in red when: Payment date not in current year, suspensions, not in good standing, owner not in good standing

    Fee editor: 
    No longer allows apostrophes in the fee code. The fee code field is widened to allow viewing full fee code when the code is up to 20 characters long.

    Fee Entry screen:
    A new checkbox lets you exclude pending entries.

    FEI Lookup: 
    Corrected problem that generated an error during FEI lookups.

    Importing People, Horses etc from a different database:
    • A new option has been added to include / exclude Class specifications when importing data into a new HSS database
    • When importing people to a new HSS database, People marked as "Permanent" in the source database will always be imported to the new database.
    A small text message "The show may charge a convenience fee for certain payment methods" is listed in the "Please Pay" area if a non-zero default credit card convenience fee percentage has been specified in the show's payment processing settings.

    Payment Entry screen:
    A new checkbox lets you exclude pending entries.

    Payment Entry screen: Credit Card Convenience Fee
    • Convenience Fees can be automatically calculated and charged in the payment entry screen.
    • The convenience fee is only applicable when processing a credit card payment on the "Credit card" tab.
    • The payment screen provides a field to modify the default convenience fee percentage. Set the value to 0 if you don't want to charge the fee to the payee during credit card processing.
    • The convenience fee amount is automatically computed based on the "Payment Amount" you specify for each entry.
    • When a convenience fee is charged, it will be listed on entry invoice(s) as code "*CC-CONVFEE" and will list the amount the fee was based on.
    • A "*CC-CONVFEE" fee will be listed each time a credit card payment is made against an entry and the fee is charged.
    • The convenience fee will NOT be listed on an invoice until a successful credit card payment is processed.

    • Judges cards - Open breed format includes Class specifications for the class when defined.
    • Judges cards - Jumper includes Class specifications for the class when defined.
    • Judges cards - Non Jumper includes Class specifications for the class when defined.
    • New Report: Judges cards - Non Jumper (Landscape) - New report added. Same as Judges cards - Non Jumper, but landscape mode to provide more room for entry notes.
    • New Report: Show / Entries / Score Sheet Hunter - Non FEI
    • New Report: Show / Entries / Score Sheet Jumper - Non FEI
    • New Report: Global / Fee Billing Cross Tab By Trainer with shows - All Shows.
      This report is by TRAINER (Not stable with trainer) and summarizes all fees charged across all shows for each trainer and includes the show details and count of shows.
    Show Manager:
    New columns added to classes grid lists Scratches and Net Entries. Net Entries is the total entry count minus Scratched count.

    Show Manager: Bulk activation of pending entries (NEW Feature)
    • A new pending entry activation wizard lets you activate multiple pending entries.
    • HSS will list all pending entries. Select the entries you want to activate.
    • HSS provides a field to specify the starting entry number to assign and will automatically choose the next closest available entry number as you select entries to activate.
    • Launch the new Activate Entries wizard from the new button at the bottom of show manager titled "Activate Pending Entries"

    USEF Horse lookup / validation:
    The USEF Microchip status field will now highlight in yellow if the status text begins with "Ineligible"

    USEF Validation analyzer:
    The yellow background highlight colour has been darkened somewhat to help with screens that don't display colour vividly.

    USEF Competition status analyzer:
    • Background check expiry checking is disabled until USEF requires this for trainers.
    • The date of background check expiry is still listed if known, but will not be flagged as an exception if it is missing or expired.
    • New column added "Microchip Status" for horses. The column is highlighted in red if the status begins with "Ineligible"
    USEF Validation:
    New columns added and colourized for warnings: Suspended, USEF Status, USHJA Status, Safe Sport Expired.
    This provides a quick way to view important status at the same time as validating address, DOB and other information with USEF data.

    HSS  January 26, 2019   Version: 3.2019.0125
    Changes and Notes
    1. Horse Editor - The owners listed in the owner drop down list the Owner's USEF number in square brackets after the address.

    2. Reporting and networking problems with IP address / DB Logon failure:
      HSS will attempt to connect to the server's data folder for reporting based on the UNC path using the IP or Server name entered in the "Change Server" screen rather than always using the Server's PC name.
      This should help with networks that cannot properly resolve the correct IP address for the server's name.
      In general it is preferred to specify the IP address of the server rather than the server's name when selecting a server.

    3. About screen
      The path to the current database location in UNC format is now shown and a button to launch file explorer added to attempt browsing to the database location.This can be useful for troubleshooting network connectivity. If it is necessary to enter network credentials (for the server) they can be entered when prompted for in File explorer.
      Make sure you provide credentials (a user ID and password defined on the server), and check-mark the "Save credentials" if prompted in file explorer.

    4. USEF validation
      Updated to resolve a change USEF made to their API that broke lookups.

    5. USEF validation
      Corrected problem where USEF reported JU rather than JR for rider type.

    6. USEF lookup / validation timeout extended from 60 to 120 seconds to handle slow USEF response on large shows during validation.

    HSS  December 04, 2018   Version: 3.2018.1203
    Changes and Notes

    This update incorporates all changes required to meet USEF's new data services (API) effective Dec 1, 2018.  
    USEF is discontinuing their old API and older versions of HSS (and other software) will no longer work with USEF as of Dec 1, 2018.

    Changes in 3.2018.1203 update:
    1. Competition status analyzer – Entry details now sort by role instead of name.

    2. USEF lookups now align with the Show start date rather than current date when querying USEF for data.
      This will better coordinate membership dates at USEF with the show start date.

    3. USEF Person validate/lookup screen now includes the new “Suspension Status field” field from USEF.
      Possible USEF Details values are: "YES", "MED", "MGT", "LO", "NO". Yes is used for Exhibiting Suspensions

    4. USEF Person validate/lookup screen now includes the new “Suspension details” field from USEF.
      Possible USEF values are: "Allowed on competition grounds", "Horses can compete", "". Only displays for applicable records where Suspension Status = 'YES'

    5. Reports: "Attendees at show" report has new columns indicating the person’s roles in the show (IE: Owner, Rider, Trainer).

    Changes since Dec 1, 2018:

    1. Credit card processing: Jetpay processor updated to support TLS1.2 encryption.

    2. HSS site URLs updated to use new TimeSlice and HSS site URLs for connectivity.

    3. Resolved problem where Dressage tests would not update from the "File / Update dressage tests" menu item due to new secure site access.

    4. New global report:
      New cross tab report added to Reports Explorer / Global: Hunter Division Entry counts - All Shows.
      This lists the count of non-scratched entries in each show division in each show.
      The count is based on the number of entries in the class designated as the First Over Fences class for the division.

    5. Improved search feature in Horses, Riders, Owners, Trainers grids.
      Automatically filters and searches by Horse name, Owner name, First name, Last name and USEF number.

    6. All USEF features re-written to use new USEF Web services that are effective Dec 1, 2018. 

    7. USEF Results export updated to meet USEF 2019 Results template requirements

    8. USEF lookup screens and menu/toolbar items added to launch USEF search for horses or people.

    9. USEF validation screens have additional fields and highlight colors.
      Pink indicates mismatches between USEF’s information and HSS information.
      Yellow indicates a USEF warning when a horse or person is suspended, Membership active dates are not valid for the show date, USEF Safe sport training has expired, or USEF Background check has expired.

      In horse and people editor, press the ENTER key on keyboard in the USEF number field to launch the USEF validation screen.
      HSS will look for the USEF number, or if that field is not complete will search by matching Horse name or for People editor by person’s name, city and state.

      When a search by name discovers multiple matching records, the screen will display all matches and allow you to select the horse or person to use.
      This makes it relatively easy to populate a horse or person record by searching USEF’s data using just a horse name or a person’s name and address.

    10. USEF Non member analyzer updated to use new USEF web service.

    11. USEF Section code update updated to use new USEF web service.

    12. Entry editor USEF status tab updated to use new USEF web service.
      New columns and logic added to USEF Status grid to display Membership Start / End dates, Safe sport training expiry date, and Background check expiry date.
      The expiry dates are compared to the show start and end date. Dates are considered out of range if they are not valid during the duration of the show.
      Safe sport expiry only applies to adults aged 18 and over.
      Background check expiry only applies to trainers.

    13. NEW “Chip status” field shown on Basic tab of entry editor to indicate if the horse has a microchip number or not based on USEF data.

    14. NEW USEF bulk validation rewritten to use new USEF web services.
      Bulk validation now combines all people into a single list rather than separate rider, owner, trainer lists.Validation will apply non-blank USEF information to a horse and person records for records / fields you select during validation.

      Tool tips when hovering over a cell or a row selector in the validation screen will display current information for the record versus USEF information so you can preview the differences.
      Update multiple records by selecting multiple rows, or apply single cell updates by double clicking the cell or pressing the space bar while focused on a cell.  Use the cursor up/down/left/right keys to navigate the cells from the keyboard if desired.

      Horse Height has special rules during validation:
      If the "Measured at Show" flag in a horse record is checked, USEF height will only overwrite the height if USEF has a non-blank height.
      When the measured at Show flag is not checked, the USEF height will always overwrite the horse record height even if USEF has no height recorded (IE: Blank).
      If a USEF height overwrites a measured at show height during validation, the Measured at Show flag is reset in the horse record.

    15. NEW USEF Competition Status Analyzer.
      Use this screen to review USEF information that is required for people and horses. Suspensions, Expired memberships, Safe sport training expiry,
      Background check expiry, Microchip status for horses etc.

    16. NEW “Measured at Show” checkbox added to horse records. Horse Height has special rules with respect to USEF validation.
      If the "Measured at Show" flag is set in the horse record, USEF height will only overwrite the height if USEF has a valid height.
      When the measured at Show flag is not set, the USEF height will always overwrite the horse record height even if USEF has no height recorded (IE: Blank).
      If a USEF height overwrites a measured at show height during validation, the Measured at Show flag is reset in the horse record.

    17. NEW Right click in show manager to launch USEF Validation by trainer.
      Loads the USEF Validation screen listing all people and horses related to the trainer of the selected entry.

    18. NEW Right click in show manager to launch USEF Competition Status Analyzer trainer.
      Loads the USEF Competition Status Analyzer screen listing all people and horses related to the trainer of the selected entry.

    19. NEW Online entry processing screen provides a new USEF Information grid that provides the current USEF information for each person and horse in an online entry.
      This allows you to review the important USEF credentials, expiry dates, suspension status of each entity in a submitted entry prior to accepting (or rejecting) the entry.
      The USEF info panel provides a feature to print the information and/or to print the information and the online entry form.
      The information panel highlights problem information in red. For example, missing or invalid USEF number, USEF membership dates out of date for the show date, Missing horse microchip number etc.

    20. Import of Online Entries will no longer import a horse’s height from the online entry.
    HSS  July 23, 2018   Version: 3.2018.0722
    Changes and Notes
    1. EC Results export:
      Resolved problem trying to export results to Equine Canada when user selected "Include classes with no entries" option.

    2. Show Manager Report right click:
      Class sheets report FEI now uses the FEI class sheets sorted by Rider instead of by Counter/Rider.

    3. Show Manager - USEF Status:
      Resolved problem where the USEF status would not turn red when an entry had multiple riders and there was a rider with USEF warnings and another without warnings.

    4. Reports - Class Sheets FEI:
      The graphic chart in the report summary is no longer included in the report to save paper.

    5. Reports - Fee Analysis:
      The graphic chart in the report summary is no longer included in the report to save paper.

    HSS  July 14, 2018   Version: 3.2018.0708
    Changes and Notes
    1. Class results screen:
      Prize analysis information moved to the main tab so that is easy to see the current analysis of prize money awarded, percentage of prize money paid etc.
    2. Class results screen:
      Special values for recording Eliminated, Withdrawn, and Retired have changed.
      The values are now: 99=Eliminated, 98=Retired, 97=Withdrawn

    3. Credit card processing:
      Resolved error 5040 when processing point of sale cards through Elavon due to a change made by Elavon to their API.

    4. Fee entry:
      The fee entry screen will now post quantity changes to entries even if the fee amount is $0.00. This is useful if you have fees that are intended only for the purpose of counting the quantity of the fee.

    5. Payment types:
      Added new payment type "PPD-CREDITCARD"

    6. Person editor:
      Hong Kong added as a country in the country / state picker.
      Resolved problem where Mexico states could not be saved.
      When creating a new person (Owner, Rider, Trainer), person editor defaults to creating the same person in all three roles. The user can uncheck any roles not desired.

    7. Reports: Class results reports updated to use the revised special fault codes: 99=Eliminated, 98=Retired, 97=Withdrawn

    8. Reports: FEI Jump order (8x11) and (8x14) - If a class has scratched entries, the jump order no longer skips a start position. All start positions will now increment by 1.

    9. Reports: Added new report "Payments by date and type - All shows" to reports explorer / Global.
      This report lists all payments to all non-dormant shows grouped and summarized by date and payment type.

    10. Reports: Added new report "Invoice balances by invoice to" to Reports explorer/Show/Financial.
      This report lists invoice balances grouped and summarized by the person designated as the "Invoice To" person for each entry.

    11. Reports: Added new report "Invoice balances by prize payee" to Reports explorer/Show/Financial.
      This report lists invoice balances grouped and summarized by the person designated as the "Prize Payee" person for each entry.

    12. Reports: Show Entries by Horse, Owner, Trainer reports now correctly sort and now only include "Active" status entries.

    13. Scoreboard Export:
      When exporting classes for scoreboard, the filenames are now prefixed with the date and time to better distinguish when the exports were done. This also allows you to easily sort export files by the time they were created. For example, the file name will now look like: [2018-06-19 112027]Class-1.txt and [2018-06-19 112027]Class-2.txt

    14. Show Manager / Divisions tab:
      When a division number is entered and Enter Key is pressed, the Champ Chart tool is opened instead of the older division results screen.

    CollapseHSSremote Change History
    HSSremote  June 04, 2018   Version: 1.2018.0604
    Changes and Notes

    June 4, 2018:

    Compatibility update.