Online entry lets you easily and seamlessly accept online entries to your show. Eliminate the time consuming drudgery of manually entering user names, addresses, class selections etc. Automate the process with HSS's Online Entry system.
Simply publish your show to with the online entry feature enabled and your show is ready to receive online entries and optionally collect credit card payments for stall and other fees.
Exhibitors use a simple and efficient online entry wizard that collects information for each person, horse, classes entered, and fee quantities.
The entry form is automatically generated by HSS. No need to waste time and money typesetting, printing or handling your entry forms. Settings are provided so that you can customize the online entry form's content to include the standard USEF agreement text or use your own. Optionally include your company or show logo on the entry form if desired. Other options are available to tailor the online entry experience to match your requirements.
Fees shown during online entry are configurable.
Optionally allow users to select fee quantities during online entry.
Examples: Allow editing of stall fees so the exhibitor can specify the number of extra stalls required, Allow selection of camper site quantities, Allow selection of dinner tickets etc.
Once an exhibitor completes an online entry, the entry form is automatically generated, filled, and sent to your HSS database for processing.
The people, horse, class selections, payments received and other necessary information is automatically entered into your show database - NO data entry required! Just a few button clicks to review and accept the entry.
Per online entry fee:
$1.55 per online entry you receive.
You only pay for online entries you receive.
Example: You have 230 entries in your show. Of the 230 entries, you receive 10 online entries. Total cost would be $15.50.