Changes and Notes
Checks / Cheques: - A new column "PrizeApplyAmount" is listed in the Cheque Printing grid in the details section for each cheque.
- This is the amount that has been deducted from a cheque that was applied to the entry's invoice as a credit amount.
- See details on "Apply prize money to invoice" section in Entry Editor changes.
- Generic export to tab delimited text file now include PrizeApplyAmount column to indicate how much the cheque amount is reduced when prize money has been applied to an entry's invoice.
Class editor: - Resolved very obscure problem where a rider was not selected in a sibling class if there were already entries in the class and the show secretary created a new sibling.
Class Results Editor: - Jump Order editor (Drag and drop) now lists the fence height for each entry.
- Additional controls are disabled if the class has been marked as finished/closed to prevent inadvertent user changes to a closed class.
Class Verification: - An entry will not be added if there are no riders in the entry record.
- List updates are now much faster.
Entry Editor: - Resolved problem where "Reset all fees" on a new unsaved manual entry would not reset the fees to zero.
- The Results tab now lists a new column "Addback Prize Money" won.
- The Results tab has a new checkbox column “Closed” indicating if the class is finished/closed.
NEW - Apply prize money to invoice: The payments tab has a new feature to apply prize money to the entry's invoice as a credit. - A read only field displays the total prize money won PLUS Addback money won.
- An editable field will display the amount you want to apply which defaults to the full amount of prize money won less any prize money you have already credited to the entry.
- Prize money credited to the entry will be listed in the "Payments" section of the invoice with code "PRIZE". The description will indicate the payment is from "Show Secretary"
- You cannot apply prize money to the entry invoice if the entry is in ANY classes that have already been closed.
- This is because closing a class will generate checks and the checks would be incorrect (too much) if you also apply prize money to the entry.
- You cannot apply prize money if the show properties are set to automatically apply prize money to invoices.
WARNING: You should NOT delete "PRIZE" code payments from an entry after closing classes. - If you manually delete "PRIZE" code payments from an entry record AFTER closing classes for some reason, the checks that were already created will not be adjusted.
- That may result in the check amount being too little since you have removed the PRIZE credit(s) from the entry.
- In that scenario, you should reopen the class(es) that are affected and then reclose those classes to void and reissue the checks.
Show Manager: - Classes tab has a new Class Name filter. Entering text in this text field will filter the list of classes to only those classes that have the text in the class name or class number field.
- Classes tab / Class number search field now supports up / down keyboard keys to move the selected class up or down in the list of classes
Signature Tool: - New filters added to exclude Barn Account entries.
- Barn account entries are excluded by default.
Changes and Notes
Add/Scratch processing: - If you attempt to process an add/scratch request where the entry no longer exists OR the rider on the request is no longer a rider for the entry, an error message will be displayed and the add/scratch request will be automatically flagged as rejected at HSO.
Class results screen: - The warning popup when saving results if you do not selected any course designers for the class will no longer appear.
The popup will only appear if there are no judges selected OR if any of the selected judges or course designers do not have a USEF number.
- Two new special codes can be used in the R1 Faults, R2 Faults and R3 Faults columns
- 91 = HC – Horse Concours
- 90 = NS/DNS – Did not show
The finish place will be reset to 0 (zero) if you use code 91 (HC) in any of R1, R2, R2 obstacle faults columns. HC entries cannot have a finish place or prize money. The finish place will be reset to 0 (zero) if you use code 90 (NS/DNS) in an of R1 obstacle faults columns. NS/DNS entries cannot have a finish place if they didn’t show in R1.
- Code 91 in any of the 3 obstacle faults columns will translate to “HC” instead of a numeric finish place in Column N (Placing) column of USEF results
- Code 90 in R1 Faults, will translate to NS instead of a numeric finish place in Column N (Placing) column of USEF results as well as column CJ ( First round), CK (2nd round), CN (3rd round) if code 90 is used in R2 Faults, and R3 Faults)
Credit Card Payment Screen: - A new field “Remark:” has been added.
- For payment methods manually saved into a person’s account in HSS:
- The “Remark:” field will display the date / time a saved payment method was created in HSS.
Dressage Tests: - Four new FEI 2022 and 2023 tests added.
Horse Editor - New breeds added: - Canadian Sport Horse
- Czech Warmblood
- Deutsches Sportpferd
- German Sport Horse
- Irish Sport Horse
- La Silla Sport Horse
- Latvian Warmblood
- Norwegian Warmblood
- Spanish Sport Horse
- French Thoroughbred
Entry Editor: - Resolved problem where the online entry PDF didn't load sometimes when using "Update and Prompt"
- “People” tab only lists people related to the entry in Owner, Rider, or Trainer roles. Prize payee and Stablewith Trainer are excluded.
- The “Reset all fees to zero” button on the Fees tab will now invoke a popup letting you select which fees to reset to zero.
- Only fees that currently have a quantity are listed for resetting.
- Convenience fees default to UN-checked. All other fees default to Checked.
- New "USEF Locked" checkbox flag added.
An entry is highlighted in red in show manager when this flag is check marked. - "USEF Status" tab has new columns for USHJA Start, USHJA End, removed Background Check Expiry column
- "USEF Status" tab highlights in red if the person's safe sport expiry date is earlier than the show's end date.
- "USEF Status" now lists the “MicroChip Status” and will highlight it in red and prompt for “USEF Lock” if the status begins with the word “Ineligible”
USEF Validation checking: - Entry editor has a new popup when USEF information is retrieved for the entry. The USEF popup will happen when any of the following happens:
- “Auto-load USEF …” is check-marked in Show Manager.
- You select the “USEF Status” tab for the entry
- You click the “Refresh USEF status” button on the Basic tab for the entry.
- If the “USEF Locked” checkbox is already check marked in the entry the popup will NOT display since the checkbox is already set.
Otherwise, the problems will be listed in the popup and you are prompted to set the “USEF Locked” checkbox. - If the “USEF Locked” checkbox is already check marked in the entry AND there are NO current issues for the entry at USEF the popup will be displayed prompting if you would like to UN-check the “USEF Locked” checkbox.
Messaging: - "Send SMS Text to show attendees" screen has new filters in the class selection drop down to filter class selections by scheduled date and ring.
- Only people entered in the selected classes will be listed as potential recipients for the text message.
Online entry download: - Includes new Microchip Status column in USEF validation information
- It will flag as red the value begins with “INELIGIBLE” and green if it is empty or begins with “ELIGIBLE”
- It will also trigger “USEF Lock” when the entry is “Accepted”.
Online Entry Acceptance: - A new "USEF Locked" checkbox and a list of USEF errors is shown in the "Accept online entry" screen.
- You can manually checkmark the "USEF Locked" checkmark if needed to flag the entry has missing or expired USEF information. USEF Locked entries are listed in red in show manager.
- The "USEF Locked" checkbox will default to checked if any critical horse or person information is missing, expired, or invalid according to USEF, otherwise will default to un-checked.
- The remark field is now multiline and allows up to 250 characters of text. New button to copy up to 250 characters from the USEF Lock errors list to the “Remark” field.
Payment Entry Screen: - New columns added "Acct. Locked", and "USEF Locked" display the "Account Locked" and "USEF Locked" flags for each entry.
- Row will be highlighted in yellow for each entry that has the "Account Locked" flag checkmarked
- Row will be highlighted in red for each entry that has the "USEF Locked" flag checkmarked. USEF Locked takes precedence over Account locked.
If an entry has both USEF locked and Account locked flags checkmarked the row will be highlighted in red.
Reports: - “Class results – compact” report updated to list new 90-99 codes (IE: HC, NS, etc)
- “Grand prix jumper” report updated to list new 90-99 codes (IE: HC, NS, etc)
- “Class Sheets – FEI” and “Class Sheets – FEI –By Rider” use black instead of grey grid lines.
- "Judges Cards - Jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper (landscape)" now print the judge signature area on each page
- "Judges Cards - Jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper", "Judges Cards - non jumper (landscape)" now support classes with up to 200 entries.
- "Payee W9 analysis - entries with prize money" report:
- New column "WithHold" lists the number of entries that for the payee that have been flagged with "Withhold prize money".
- Each entry may have a suffix "[ ]" indicating special conditions. * = account locked, $ = Withhold prize money
- Example: 123[$*] indicates entry 123 is flagged with Withhold prize money AND account is locked
- New report "Payee W9 analysis - entries with prize money withheld" added to the Financial folder.
This report is identical to "Payee W9 analysis - entries with prize money" but only lists payees that have one or more entries that have won prize money AND are flagged with "Withhold prize money". - New report "Prize Money Withheld By Entry" added to the Financial folder.
- This report list all entries in the show that have the "Withhold prize money" flag checkmarked.
- The report lists the entry number, entry name, total prize money (including addback money) awarded to the entry, and the prize payee name, contact information, and last 4 digits of their SSN.
- "Trainer Add/Scratch" report now displays a message on the report if the USEF Locked flag is checkmarked in the entry record.
- "Trainer Check-in" report now includes the signature status (Signed or missing) for each entry for the owner, rider, trainer related to each entry.
A checkmark or a warning icon will indicate if all signatures for Owner, Riders, Trainer have been received. - "Winnings and Prizes by Division" report updated to resolve paper size issue on certain PCs that have unusual printer drivers.
Show Manager: - New checkbox filter added "USEF Locked only". Filters the list of entries to only those that have the "USEF Locked" flag check marked.
- Signature related counts (People, Sigs Waiting etc) only apply to people that are an Owner, Rider, or Trainer. Prize payee and Stablewith Trainer are excluded.
Signature Tool: - New "People" tab lists entry signatures grouped by Person.
- This allows sending signature requests for ALL unsigned entries to the person all at once.
- Filters let you only list people / entries that have not been signed, and to only list people / entries you haven't already sent a request within the last specified number of hours (default is 8 hours)
- A person's roles on an entry are now listed.
Signatures: - HSS and show manager will now only list signatures for people in roles Owner, Rider, and Trainer.
USEF Safe Sport MAAPP bulk email tool (NEW): - New tool “Send USEF MAAPP email to exhibitors” has been added to the “USEF/USHJA” menu in HSS.
- Use this tool send the required USEF MAAPP notification email containing the USEF Safe Sport information to all people in the show.
- USEF requires you to send the USEF MAAPP notification to all exhibitors in the show within 30 days of the show date.
- You can safely resend to people in the show – HSO will ignore sending to the same person / email address if you have already sent the notification.
- HSO will only send ONE notification to the same person/email address. If there are multiple people with different names at the same email address an email will be sent to each individual at that address.
- The email is sent via a mailing list and includes an “Unsubscribe” button / link in the email. If someone “Unsubscribes” they will be excluded from the HSO-USEF-MAAPP mailing list and will never receive the MAAPP email (or anything else distributed on that list) in the future from any show at HSO.
USEF Results Export: - R1, R2, R3 faults are now the total of obstacle faults plus time faults.
USEF Competition Status Analyzer: - The Horses grid will no longer set the background colour to red if the horse has a USEF status of "Annual"
- The People grid will no longer set the background colour to red if the person's USEF Member Type is "ACTIVE(EC)"
- New column added “USEF Locked” displays the status of the USEF Locked flag for each entry
- Entry List popup (Available by clicking the “Open entry list” button in any list on “Entries”, “People”, “Horses” tab in the analyzer has new column added “USEF Locked” displays the status of the USEF Locked flag for each entry listed
USEF Section Code Update: - Duplicate section codes provided by the USEF API are removed (that's a USEF bug).
- Additional USHJA section codes are also added / updated.
The list of USHJA section codes is maintained by Timeslice. USHJA section codes will be ignored in results reported to USEF but are useful to USHJA when sending the USEF Results file to USHJA.
USEF Validation - Horse measurement: - Improved reliability of horse measurement information provided by USEF to better address abnormally formatted measurements from USEF.
USEF Validation - People: - New USEF Member Type "ACTIVE(EC)" is now considered OK.
Changes and Notes
June 4, 2018: Compatibility update.